

Proper noun



  1. genitive of USA
    • 2021 January 20, Johan Sennerö, “Nu är Joe Biden USA:s president [Now Joe Biden is USA's president]”, in SVT Nyheter[1]:
      Joe Biden, som blir USA:s 46:e president, svor med handen på Bibeln att troget utöva sitt ämbete och att efter bästa förmåga upprätthålla, värna och försvara USA:s konsitution.
      Joe Biden, who becomes the 46th President of the United States, swore with his hand on the Bible to faithfully exercise his office and to the best of his ability to maintain, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
      (literally, “Joe Biden, who becomes USA's 46th President, swore with his hand on the Bible to faithfully exercise his office and to the best of his ability to maintain, protect and defend USA's Constitution.”)
    • 2022 June 1, Fredrik Eriksson, “Nya The Sims 4-expansionen tar oss till gymnasiet – mitt i sommaren!? [The new Sims 4 expansion takes us to high school – in the middle of summer!?"]”, in FZ:
      High School-åren släpps i sin tur 28 juli till pc och konsolerna, och du har förmodligen redan räknat ut att expansionen fokuserar på high school, USA:s motsvarighet till gymnasiet.
      High School Years will be released on July 28th for PC and consoles, and you've probably already figured out that the expansion focuses on high school, the equivalent of gymnasium in the USA.

Usage notes

  • Swedish doesn't use any genitive apostrophe, except when the word is ending in s, z or x; then one can use it after the word to clarify that it's genitive and not nominative, but it is not encouraged otherwise.