



Usenet +‎ -ite



Usenetite (plural Usenetites)

  1. A user of Usenet. [from 1995]
    • 1995 March 8, Mike Inman, “That's it -- I'm building my own PC!.”, in alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt[1] (Usenet):
      I'm not a enough of a Usenetite to know how to make these things happen, and I'm not interested in investing any signifigant time in it, but perhaps some of the "old time" a.c.h.h'ers could get it done.
    • 1996 November 5, Robert S. Gregg, “LADY WHISPER, HELP!!!!”, in rec.games.computer.ultima-dragons[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-11:
      Oh, incidentally, the Usenetite known as Sir Launcelot du Lak (who posts occasionally on csipg.rpg) wrote a review of the first two CD's for Game Bytes magazine a couple of years ago. The review is still available online, if you're interested.
    • 1999 January 2, Aaron S. Veenstra, “I have the soundtrack!!!”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-11:
      Yes folks, I have a CD copy of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer soundtrack. It wasn't easy to get either -- I had to part with six whole dollars for it. A harsh sacrifice, to be sure, but worth it, for now I have one more elusive Matthew Sweet non-album track available at my fingertips. "Huh?" I hear you all saying, "Matthew Sweet's never been on BtVS -- have you been dipping into grandpa's old cough remedy again?" Not so, good Usenetites, for you see, it's the movie soundtrack I have, not the upcoming TV soundtrack. It's all a big joke; deal.
    • 1999 July 28, Fabulana, “Intellectual Honesty”, in alt.anger[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-11:
      Well, that's where my Rule #3 applies (I'm formulating them officially now, for the benefit of my following, to make them easier to quote later): Usenetites, Entertain Thyselves.
    • 1999 November 19, Sffbclub, “!! *** Announcing: The Science Fact & Fiction Bookclub *** !!!”, in rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.auctions[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-11:
      Thanx for your continued support, all you USENETites are great to do business with!
    • 2001 September 11, Daniel Pena, “Pics of Steph From Raw (HERE)”, in alt.pro-wrestling.wwf[6] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-11:
      Hey usenetites, I posted up pics of Steph from Raw. Click below for them.
    • 2005 December 30, Rusty Hinge 2, “RFD: create unmoderated newsgroup uk.tech.heating”, in uk.net.news.config[7] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-11:
      People are still getting over Christmas, and will no doubt require a period of recuperation after the next great festival of Hic!.
      Then Usenetites will begin to emerge from hibernation or whatever. This is a very quiet period on all the groups I collect.
    • 2013 April 5, Hunter D, “im.py: a python communications tool”, in comp.lang.python[8] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-11:
      Hey Usenetites!
      I have a horrible Python program to allow two people to chat with each other. It has horribly any functionality, but it is meant for the public to work on, not necessarily me. Anyways, here's a quick FAQ.

