

Native Japanese and Altai (southeastern dialect), fluent Russian and Kazakh. Ok with Mongolian. Can make confusion in Tuvan and Kyrgyz, understand little Uyghur and Yakut, other related Turkic languages... I do not read Arabic letters so can only Uyghur written in Cyrillic or Latin, also not Mongolian. I understand written English and Cantonese but not proper speech, talking them I will misunderstand. Learning different Altai dialects and better English for better contribution, then better Tuvan and hoping for Oroqen but it is unlikely happening.


  • Please correct my mistakes! I want to learn better and more languages.
  • If you speak northern Altai dialects! There is not enough Altai language on the internet and we need to work together for better document of the different dialects. I try to accure exact differences from all the sources but can mistake some of them, please correct if this happens.
  • It is unrelevant but I'm a pervert.