
shoujo (romanization of 少女)

  • 2005, Shoujo Manga Techniques: Writing Stories (→ISBN)
  • 2009, Natsumi Konjoh, Fujoshi Rumi: Mousou Shoujo Otaku Kei (→ISBN)
  • 2011, Koge Donbo, Pavane for a Dead Girl (Naki Shoujo No Tame No Pavane) (→ISBN)

ṣirāṭ and ṣirāṭa (romanizations of صراط)

  • 2010, Ebrahim Kazim, Scientific Commentary of Suratul Faateḥah (→ISBN):
    Just as a student has to study the exta hour to top the class, we should also strive hard and go the extra mile up Ṣirāṭ al Mustaqīm, to achieve the ultimate success []
  • 2011, Thomas Tartsch, Muhammads Erbe: Dschihad, Dhimmi, Tötungs- und Bekämpfungsvers:
    ih'dinā l-ṣirāṭa l-mus'taqīma ṣirāṭa alladhīna anʿamta ʿalayhim ghayri l-maghḍūbi ʿalayhim walā l-ḍālīna
  • 2014, Koranen (Wahlström & Widstrand, →ISBN):
    1. Al-ḥamdu li-l-lāhi rabbi-l-'ālamīn,
    2. Ar-raḥmāni-r-raḥīm,
    3. Māliki jaumi-d-dīn.
    4. Ijāka na'budu wa-ījāka nasta'īn,
    5. Ihdinā-ṣ-ṣirāṭa-l-mustaḳīm,
    6. Ṣirāṭa-l-laḏīna an'amta'alaihim, []

svobodnyx (romanization of свободных)

  • 1980, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, volumes 17-19, page 70:
    Nambu, I.: Pocemu net svobodnyx kvarkov? (Why are there no free quarks?)
  • 1982, Karamzin's prose fiction: the poetics of co-creation, page 101:
    [] author's name appeared more frequently on the title page, and the titles themselves often included a reference to the author's "I" (Karamzin's "Moi bezdélki," "Moja ispoved'," Dmitriev's "I moi bezdélki," I. Baxtin's "I ja avtor," Šalikov's "Plod svobodnyx čuvstvovanii," etc., are symptomatic). Works came to be read according to author (rather than genre).
  • 1995, The Workers' Movement in Russia, page 293:
    On the events at Cherepovets see V.V. Komarovskii, 'Krizis v organizatsii svobodnyx profsoyuzov Cherepovetskogo Metallurgicheskogo Kombinata', Russian-American Fund, Soobshcheniya Korrespondentov Fonda, 1994 []

svobodnykh (romanization of свободных)

  • 1993, Hilbert's Tenth Problem (→ISBN), page 249:
    V. A. Roman'kov
    O nerazreshimosti problemy èndomorfnoĭ svodimosti v svobodnykh nil'potentnykh gruppakh i v svobodnykh kol'tsakh. Algebra i Logika.
  • 1997, Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters Under Lenin and Stalin (→ISBN):
    A drawing of Stalin nearly in profile against a red background fills the upper half of the poster. Below, in large letters, follows the text in bold black letters: "Da zdravstvuet tvorets konstitutsii svobodnykh, schastlivykh narodov SSSR, uchitel' i drug trudiashchikhsia vsego mira, nash rodnoi Stalin!" (Long like the creator of the Constitution of the free and happy peoples of the USSR, the teacher and friend of laboring people of the whole world, our rodnoi Stalin).
  • 2006, Raffaella Faggionato, A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia (→ISBN), page 268:
    Obriad priema v pervuiu uchenicheskuiu stepen' svobodnykh kamen'shchikov. 1777 [Ritual for Admission to the First Apprentice Degree of the Freemasons. 1777]

Zhongguo (romanization of 中國)

  • 1985, Diana Lary, Warlord Soldiers: Chinese Common Soldiers, 1911-1937 (→ISBN), page 169:
    He Xiya. Zhongguo daofei wenti zhi de yanjiu. Shanghai, 1925.
    Hexian zhi. 1934.
    He Yixian. 'Zou Maping shoubian', in Xinghou liaoyuan, I, xia.
    Henansheng 1937 xianyi shiling zhuangding tongji biao. Zhongguo dierlishi danganguan, 124/267 16745.
  • 2000, Tyrene White, China Briefing 2000: The Continuing Transformation (→ISBN), page 61:
    10. Employment data from Zhongguo Tongji Zhaiyao 1999, p. 35.

rodnoi (romanization of родной)

  • 1971, Message from Moscow (→ISBN), page 89:
    We all thought of him as a kind of personal god: our great leader, our rodnoi (our own dear) Father.
  • 1997, Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters Under Lenin and Stalin (→ISBN):
    A drawing of Stalin nearly in profile against a red background fills the upper half of the poster. Below, in large letters, follows the text in bold black letters: "Da zdravstvuet tvorets konstitutsii svobodnykh, schastlivykh narodov SSSR, uchitel' i drug trudiashchikhsia vsego mira, nash rodnoi Stalin!" (Long like the creator of the Constitution of the free and happy peoples of the USSR, the teacher and friend of laboring people of the whole world, our rodnoi Stalin).
  • 1998, Tim McDaniel, The Agony of the Russian Idea (→ISBN), page 80:
    But, just as always when faced by crisis, the peasant sought solace in the rodnoi village and in the all-protective commune.