Wiktionary is a free offline dictionary. THE USES OF WIKTIONARY IN THE CLASSROOM

1. A teacher who needs to find the definition for an unusual word or phrase they have encountered while reading can use Wiktionary to find the meaning. 2. A teacher can use Wiktionary to discover the Etymology and history of words.  3. A Teacher who needs to find synonyms, antonyms, rhymes, or other related words from a term they already know can use Wiktionary.  4. A foreign languages student who needs to find translations of words in both directions, and detailed grammar of words in foreign languages can use Wiktionary. For an example, a learner can translate from isizulu to English and vice versa. 5. An English learner who needs to find basic information on how to use words. 6. Both teachers and learners can use Wiktionary for translation. 7. And lastly, Teachers can use Wiktionary for pronunciation.