
On using images in the english wiktionary


These notes, like most everything else on my user subpages, are reminders for me.

Where to put images


Wiktionary:Pictures *recommends* that all images are uploaded to commons:.

What sizes


These are pixel widths you can set in your preferences: 120px, 150px, 180px, 200px, 250px or 300px

For image description pages you can see images at res: 320x240px, 640x480px, 800x600px, 1024x768px, 1280x1024px, or 10000x10000px where the last one means display at 100%, and the default is 800x600. Bigger is better.

What format


Commons says that they prefer jpeg for photos, svg for diagrams, and png for everything else because of quality.

How to do the markup


Image inclusion looks like this: [[Image:Glass-Ball.jpg|thumb|Example image caption]]

more about markup is here: Wikipedia: Extended image syntax and here: Wikipedia: Image markup

Licenses and stuff


says the pictures have to be on commons first before you can use them, or it mus tbe uploaded under the GFDL. That's stronger than the local wikt but seems reasonable.

There is a new policy that says that all images (and other things) must go up with a free content license. The license list is not explictly defined there, although they point to the site for a defition of these licenses. There can be an exemption policy, I'm ignoring that.

Our local wikt says you can use one of the following licenses:

  • GNU Free Documentation License: {{GFDL-self}} or {{GFDL-self-no-disclaimers}}
  • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike: {{cc-by-sa-2.5|Attribution details}}
  • Public domain: {{pd-self}}
  • Free Art license: {{FAL}}

More info


See the local wikt for more info.