User:Connel MacKenzie/spice must flow

A question about a common term such as curry can be hell for an amateur linguist. As is always the case, any investigation one does, leads to very obtuse tangents. In this case, I ended up at the phrase [the] spice must flow. Confer Dune by Frank Herbert. Now, besides noticing that we have no entry for such gems as Landsraad, Emperor Shaddam IV, Duniverse, Baron Harkonnen, I also came across some of the 1990s drug references. A techno-nightclub band named "Eon" had a song that sampled extensively from the movie: "HE WHO CONTROLS THE SPICE, CONTROLS THE UNIVERSE". But the phrase "the spice must flow" is also used to mean Oil being pumped from Saudi Arabia, any of a zillion spices coming from India (not just curry - which itself is any of a hundred thousand different mixes of spices,) cocaine coming from Cuba to America, or political bribes (not only Republican, also sometimes for Democrats.) And in the end, looking at what I've found, I've realized that spice must flow (or any variant of it) is quite unlikely to ever pass WT:CFI.