User:DCDuring/Template talk:Jump-memorial



This template is experimental and should be used with extreme caution. It should be used only in entries where the large number of senses under a single POS section makes browsing difficult.

Parameters are taken in the following order:

  1. current section (if not the definition)
  2. language code (if non-English), gloss
  3. additional sections to be linked (not including the definition)

Thus for a French word sense glossed as "combover," and having synonyms and antonyms, the definition line would be:

# [[combover]] {{jump|fr|combover|s|a}}

and looks like this:

  1. combover Template:jump

On the other hand, at the end of the synonyms line for the sense in question, the following syntax would be used:


Resulting in: Template:jump

For an English word sense glossed as "combover" and having synonyms and antonyms, the definition line would be:

# [[combover]] {{jump|combover|s|a}}

this gives:

  1. combover Template:jump

And the synonyms line for the sense in question would be tagged:


Resulting in: Template:jump

Note that only those sections should be linked which have information specific to the sense in question.

Section codes

e or etymology (seldom needed)
p or pronunciation (seldom needed)
i or image (if not within a short distance of the definition)
Usage notes
u or usage
s or synonyms
a or antonyms
t or translations
Related terms
r or related (only if broken down by sense)
Derived terms
d or derived (only if broken down by sense)
See also
see or seealso

Usage notes


{{jump}} is only to be used in long entries. In short entries, it creates links between sections that are very close together, and is redundant to simply scrolling up and down, or worse, the entire entry may appear on a single screen with no scroll bar. In this case, {{jump}} does virtually nothing.