Appendix:Roget MICRA thesaurus

This appendix is MICRA-supplemented edition of the Roget's 1911 thesaurus. The supplementation of the Roget's 1911 thesaurus consists in adding over 1000 words, and in further slight modifications of the original arrangement, such as by splitting one entry into two. The edition containing the supplementation by MICRA Inc. was released on July 18, 1991. Source of the edition information: Gutenberg project file. Items in entries link to mainspace.


  1. Class I. Words Expressing Abstract Relations
  2. Class II. Words Relating to Space
  3. Class III. Words Relating to Matter
  4. Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties
  5. Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers
  6. Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers

See also:

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