User:Daniel Carrero/English-Portuguese borrowings

Project: Create Portuguese citations for English->Portuguese borrowings.

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List of words


Attested: At least 3 citations


At least 1 citation


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  • Music: rap, reggae, punk, rock, rock 'n' roll, blues, play, rec, walkie-talkie, walk-man (walkman), mono, stereo, surround, surround sound, show, speaker, air guitar, jukebox, moonwalk, moonwalker, micro system, techno, hip-hop, DJ, hit
  • Video games: cheats, fatality, easy/hard (mode), joypad, joystick, headshot, cards, stats, console, handheld (?), platformer, other video game genres, turbo (auto press button repeatedly), checkpoint, HP, MP, PP (?), noob, score, high score, gameplay, gamer, continue
  • Games: stop (game)
  • Poker: Texas hold 'em, hold 'em, Omaha, call, fold, bet, raise, all-in, hand-for-hand
  • Sports: pitch, strike, touchdown, pole position, cooper, snowboard, snowboarding
  • Tech: laptop, fliptop, dpi (dots per inch), SATA, IDE, CPU (central prossecing unit), CPU (used to mean computer case), RAM, FPS (frames per second), extranet, ANSI, UTF-8 (?), web, website, FTP, HTTP, ethernet, changelog, log (changelog, etc.), plug-and-play, plug and play, database, wiki, tag, bug, root, bit, byte. kilobyte, KB, megabyte, MB, etc, kibibyte, kb (?), KBPS (KB/s - Kbps - MBPS, etc.), screen saver, screensaver, screen-saver (?), plug-in, plugin, log in, login, log out, logout, log on, logon, log off, logoff, avatar (net), pager, bip (also bipe?), pop-up, popup, pop-under (?), popunder (?), Sys Rq/Pause Break (?)/Insert/Delete/Ins/Del/Home/End, Ctrl/Alt/Alt Gr/WinKey/Shift/Caps Lock/Num Lock/Scroll Lock, kernel, daemon, F1~F12/Page Up/Page Down/Pg Up/Pg Down/Enter/Esc, monitor, chat, backup, app, LED/LCD/CRT, inbox, spam, PDF, proxy, C++, other prog languages, VHS/CD/DVD/Blu-ray, CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-RW, CD-.* (?), QWERTY, firewall, HD (hard disk), RJ-45 (sounds controversial), plugin, plug-in, download, upload, online, offline, feed, newsfeed, ActiveX (?), DirectX (?), zoom, cursor, tabs, status (computer sense), tablet, sock puppet (wiki sense), skin (as in a software skin), scan (act of scanning), BIOS, script, link, fax, query (consult), 1 mega, 1 giga, 1 tera, 1 peta (?), etc., HD (high definition), HDi, etc. (screen resolutions), touchscreen, grid, setup, DLL, browser, cache, cookies (computer sense), browser, pageview, prompt (DOS), update, upgrade, downgrade (?), chip, microchip, backend, frontend, selfie, chat, box (DVDs), boxset/box set, bitcoin, turbo (PC sense), hacker, lan house, torrent, LAN/WAN (?), e-book, rootkit, full (fill size image), high-tech/hi-tech, underground
  • Business: CEO (CFO, etc.), feedback, merchandising, drop-shipping, follow-up, happy hour, case (case study), recall
  • Units: volts, watts, newtons, hertz, gravitrons (?), Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin ºC, ºF, K
  • Food: donuts (rosquinhas), doughnuts (?), barman, barwoman, whiskey, chop (chope), barbecue, cream cheese, cheddar, hot mustard, honey mustard, catchup, chomp (?), menu, bacon, shake, milk shake, hot dog, self-service, fast food, drive-thru, cookies (food sense), cheeseburger/hamburger/burger (also X-búrguer)
  • Sex: nudes, doggy style, sex shop, go-go boy
  • Fandom: shipper, fanservice, raw (raw scans, etc.), waifu, opening (anime), ending (anime), op/OP, ed/ED
  • Others: shampoo, blush, gloss, kerning, beehive (hair), shopping, shopping center, poodle, Collie (Border Collie?), chow-chow, best-seller, OK, REM (rapid eye movement), NASA, FBI, CIA, Scottland Yard (???), PETA (?), IBAMA, tattoo, jeans, KO, WO, AC/DC (current) (??), ghostwriter, hobby (hobbys (?)/hobbies), OMG, WTF, "Brazil" with z, reality show, close (close-up in pt), log (math), status (social status sense), cross-dresser, impeachment, laser, maser (?), blueberry, MMA, box (shower sense), playboy, backstage, recall, ok, pink, set (cinema set), comedy relief, steampunk, cyberpunk, kit, trailer, nude, fail, body modification, sitcom, brother, drag queen, alien, overdose, entertainer, cliffhanger, fitness, blackout, crack (drug), mainstream, talk show, stand-up comedy, stand-up, hippie, clip/clips, test drive, fifty-fifty, stop
  • Probably pointless, possibly citable: love, stop, States (meaning: the US), cartoons, gentleman, "mister" meaning American man, (red, blue?), end