Chase Fisher

Hometown: South Zanesville, Ohio
Date of Birth: February 10, 1992 (age 17)
Place of Birth: Zanesville, Ohio
Height: 6' 2"

Chase Fisher


Chase Paul Fisher (February 10, 1992 - ) is mostly known to people outside of his hometown by his videos on Youtube. He currently attends Maysville High School in South Zanesville, Ohio.

Youtube Videos


Michael Myers Thriller


In October 2006, Chase was featured in the Youtube video, "Michael Myers Thriller". He played the main character who is one his phone and gets attacked, only to break into a dance very similar to Thriller. The video is 1:26 in length (including credits). It has been well received, except for the lack of brightness. The video also starred Kyle Hittle as Michael Myers, and featured Chase Norton as the Director and Camera.

File:Michael Myers Thriller 1 0001.jpg
Michael Myers Thriller

In April, 2007, the original video was deleted and reposted in his new Youtube account.

Michael Myers Thriller 2


In August, 2007, Chase announced that he had begun production on a sequel to Michael Myers Thriller. The video will include the cast from the first, with possibly one or two more actors. The video was originally scheduled to be released on the one year anniversary of the first, September 30. However, the video hit a major roadblock when Fisher announced that Hittle had been removed from the filming of MMT2, because he had missed the planned shooting date to visit his girlfriend, who Fisher has stated, " . . . [She] is like the biggest cunt I have ever met in my entire life."

After the release of Hittle, the crew experimented with other various actors to fill the now open hole of Michael Myers, mostly to no postive appeal. The crew attempted two filming sessions with two different auditioners, Austin Miller and Abbey Hutcheson, but both were failing attempts. However, in the "Miller Sessions", a sample of the opening scene was produced.

Michael Myers Thriller 2 Sample

In January 2008, Fisher and Norton announced plans to begin filming this summer for Michael Myers Thriller 2, with planned release date September 30, 2008. On February 15, Fisher announced that Kyle Hittle will be reprising the role of Myers.