User:Heyzeuss/NSK to KOTUS

An AWB method for making declension tables


To create a list of words that still have an NSK type in the PoS template:

  1. In the "source" box, select: "What links here"
  2. In the "What links to" box, paste: "Wiktionary:Finnish inflection types/nouns/elämys"
  3. Click the button: "Make a list"

To find and replace text: go to options tab→Find and Replace→Advanced settings

Tick off check boxes:

  • Regular expression
  • Case Sensitive
  • Single line

Use the following find and replace regex. In the wikimarkup, the substitution automatically takes letters off the end of the headword in order to produce the uninflected stem. Be sure to put in the appropriate KOTUS type, the number of letters to remove from the end of the headword, and the suffix rule.

$&\n\n====Declension====\n{{fi-decl-koira|{{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}-1}}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}|||ä}}\n\n
KOTUS type Letters off the end Suffix Rule
$&\n\n====Declension====\n{{fi-decl- koira |{{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}- 1 }}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}||| ä }}\n\n
NSK Missing decl table Letters off the end KOTUS Suffix rule
valo 198 1 valo
katto 20 3 valo |tt|t
särö 16 1 valo |||ö|ä
solu 261 1 valo |||u
laikku 23 3 valo |kk|k|u|a
hattu 123 3 valo |tt|t|u|a
kuultu 21 3 valo |lt|ll|u|a
äly 35 1 valo |||y|ä
kohtalo 161 1 palvelu
miehistö 24 1 palvelu |ö|ä
arvelu 39 1 palvelu
risteily 16 1 palvelu |y|ä
autio 157 1 valtio |o|a
tuoli 548 1 risti
nakki 37 3 risti |kk|k
nuppi 22 3 risti |pp|p
katti 172 3 risti |tt|t
risti 159 1 risti |||ä
leikki 143 3 risti |kk|k|ä
paperi 260 1 paperi
vieteri 46 1 paperi
kalsium 36 0 risti
ovi 20 1 ovi
pilvi 36 1 ovi |||ä
kala 358 1 kala
markka 47 3 kala |kk|k
kauppa 9 3 kala |pp|p
mitta 14 3 kala |tt|t
lika 6 2 kala |k|
rauta 45 2 kala |t|d
kanta 0 3 kala |nt|nn
koira 549 1 koira
kukka 21 3 koira |kk|k
noppa 12 3 koira |pp|p
rotta 2 3 koira |tt|t
sulka 4 2 koira |k|
lupa 2 2 koira |p|v
sota 16 2 koira |t|d
määrä 150 2 koira |||ä
synkkä 8 3 koira |kk|k|ä
seppä 5 3 koira |pp|p|ä
kenttä 8 2 koira |tt|t|ä
märkä 6 2 koira |k||ä|
leipä 12 2 koira |p|v|ä
kulkija 270 1 kulkija
myymälä 35 1 kulkija |ä|ö
puu 1 1 maa |lastletter
pieni 36 1 pieni
susi 36 2 käsi
käsi 15 2 käsi
luistin 78 2 kytkin |||secondtolastletter
suutin 40 3 kytkin |t|tt|secondtolastletter
paahdin 7 3 kytkin |d|t|secondtolastletter
eläin 36 2 kytkin |||secondtolastletter|ä
lähetin 30 3 kytkin |t|tt|secondtolastletter|ä
onneton 87 3 onneton
nimetön 33 3 onneton |ö|ä
pahin 42 2 sisin
ylin 21 2 sisin
hevonen 663 3 nainen
ihminen 237 3 nainen
seos 334 1 vastaus
elämys 108 1 vastaus
total 5956

Place the following settings in an xml file. Open them in AWB.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
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        <RegularExpressionOptions>IgnoreCase Singleline</RegularExpressionOptions>
        <Comment />
        <RegularExpressionOptions>IgnoreCase Singleline</RegularExpressionOptions>
        <Comment />
        <RegularExpressionOptions>IgnoreCase Singleline</RegularExpressionOptions>
        <Comment />
        <RegularExpressionOptions>IgnoreCase Singleline</RegularExpressionOptions>
        <Comment />
        <RegularExpressionOptions>IgnoreCase Singleline</RegularExpressionOptions>
        <Comment />
        <RegularExpressionOptions>IgnoreCase Singleline</RegularExpressionOptions>
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            <with_>{{fi-adj||comp={{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}-1}}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}ämpi|sup={{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}-1}}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}in}}</with_>
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            <with_>{{fi-adj||comp={{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}-1}}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}impi|sup={{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}-1}}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}ein}}</with_>
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        <with_>$&amp;\n\n====Declension====\n{{fi-decl-paperi|{{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}-1}}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}}}\n\n</with_>
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        <ifRegexOptions_>IgnoreCase Singleline</ifRegexOptions_>
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        <regexOptions_>IgnoreCase Singleline</regexOptions_>
      <IRule xsi:type="Rule">
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        <Name>Declension-proper noun</Name>
        <replace_>===Proper noun={3,4}\n{{fi(?:(?!==).)*(?=----)|===Proper noun={3,4}\n\{\{fi.*?(?===)|===Proper noun={3,4}\n\{\{fi.*?(?=\-\-\-\-)|===Proper noun={3,4}\n\{\{fi.*?(?=\n\[\[)|===Proper noun={3,4}\n\{\{fi.*</replace_>
        <with_>$&amp;\n\n====Declension====\n{{fi-decl-paperi|{{subst:padright:|{{subst:#expr:{{subst:str len|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}-1}}|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}|nopl=1}}\n\n</with_>
        <ifContains_ />
        <ifNotContains_>===Proper noun===.*?fi-decl</ifNotContains_>
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        <regexOptions_>IgnoreCase Singleline</regexOptions_>
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      <string>\* Declension *\</string>
      <string>numeral declension</string>
      <string>Finnish numeral</string>
      <string />
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    <Code>        public string ProcessArticle(string ArticleText, string ArticleTitle, int wikiNamespace, out string Summary, out bool Skip)
            Skip = false;
            Summary = "test";
            ArticleText = "test \r\n\r\n" + ArticleText;
            return ArticleText;
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