User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/25
- error code
- escape code
- escape mechanism
- escondido
- espresso corretto
- espresso crème
- essential element
- essential fatty acid deficiency
- estrogen-replacement therapy
- esu
- esusu
- etesian wind
- ethanedioic acid
- ethanoic anhydride
- ethinyl estradiol
- ethnic category
- ethyl ethanoate
- ety.
- eucoelomate
- eupatorium perfoliatum
- eupatrid
- eurhythmic, etc
- euro-ad
- eurocarve
- evaluated receipts settlement
- evan.
- evang.
- even break
- even lot
- even strength
- event risk
- event study
- events of default
- eventuate in
- evergreen loan
- evidence of origin
- evolutionary medicine
- ewe-neck
- ex silentio
- ex works
- ex-all
- ex-pit
- ex-rights date
- ex-rights
- exact interest
- examine-in-chief
- exante return
- except for opinion
- excess demand
- excess luggage
- excess reserves
- excess return on the market portfolio
- excess supply
- exchange controls
- exchange efficiency
- exchange equalization account
- exchange force
- exchange of assets
- exchange of stock
- exchange offer
- exchange particle
- exchange privilege
- exchangeable security
- excision repair
- exclusion principle
- exclusionary self-tender
- exclusive economic zone
- exclusive listing
- exclusive provider organization
- excusado
- excuse-me
- execution cost
- execution lag
- execution time
- executive assistant
- executive director
- executive jet
- executive lounge
- executive secretary
- executive session
- executive suite
- executory cost
- exemplary damages
- exempt employee
- exempt gilt
- exempt securities
- exercise music
- exercise value
- exfoliative cytology
- exit counselor
- exit permit
- exit tax
- exor.
- expanding flake
- expansion board
- expansion bolt
- expansion draft
- expected return
- expedition canoeing
- expendable fund
- expenditure switching
- experimental psychology
- explicit option
- exponential notation
- export-led growth
- express air
- expression mark
- expressive motor aphasia
- extendable bond
- extendable note
- extended care facility
- extended school
- extended-play
- extension agent
- extension date
- external benefit
- external constraint
- external cost
- external degree
- external diseconomies of scale
- external examination
- external finance
- external fixator
- external respiration
- external shock
- external-combustion engine
- extra end
- extra-base hit
- extraembryonic membrane
- extraordinary item
- extrapolative statistical model
- extremely high frequency
- eye-water
- f.a.s.
- f.b.y.
- f.c.l.
- f.i.w.
- f.o.b.
- f/
- face about
- face angle
- face climbing
- face furniture
- face peel
- facial scrub
- facilitated diffusion
- facsimile edition
- factor cost
- factor demand
- factor endowment
- factor immobility
- factor mobility
- factory floor
- factory-gate price
- fade up
- fade-up
- failing school
- fainting fit
- fair exchange
- fair green
- fair territory
- fair-market value
- fair-trade agreement
- fair-trade
- fairy cycle
- fairy thorn
- fal la
- fall factor
- fall rate
- fallacy of division
- falling band
- falling rhythm
- false bedding
- false miterwort
- false position
- false topaz
- false-card
- fam.
- familiar spirit
- family benefit
- family credit
- family limited partnership
- family of funds
- family style
- fan vaulting
- fancy woman
- fantoosh
- far month
- far option
- fare stage
- farm bike
- farm school
- farmer's match
- farslide
- faruca
- fashion pack
- fashion photography
- fast market
- fast motion
- fast neutron
- fast packet
- fast pitch
- fast slide
- fast stream
- fast water
- fast-fingered
- fastplant
- fat face
- fat meat
- fat ski
- fat stock
- fath
- father of the chapel
- fattening room
- fatty degeneration
- fault tree analysis
- fave rave
- favorable balance of trade
- favorable variance
- fax-modem
- fax-on-demand
- fb
- fear for
- feardie
- feart
- feasibility study
- feather cut
- feather palm
- feature creature
- fec.
- federal funds rate
- federal funds
- federated cooperative
- fee-free
- feedback circuit
- feedback control loop
- feedback factor
- feedback inhibition
- feeding ground
- feet-first jump
- feline distemper
- fell-running
- fell-walking
- fellow servant
- female suffrage
- fend for
- fender pile
- ferntickles
- ferronneries
- ferrum metallicum
- fertility cult
- fertility factor
- festoon blind
- fetal hemoglobin
- fetal membrane
- fever grass
- fiber artist
- fibr-
- fibri-
- fibroblast growth factor
- fibrous root
- fibrovascular bundle
- fiddle pattern
- fiddle-de-dee
- field audit
- field battery
- field burning
- field magnet
- field winding
- field-effect transistor
- field-grade officer
- fife rail
- fifth-generation
- fight-or-flight reaction
- figure eight descender
- figure in
- filet crochet
- filing status
- fill light
- fill-or-kill order
- filled gold
- film over
- film resistor
- finance bill
- finance charge
- finance company
- financial analyst
- financial distress
- financial economies of scale
- financial planner
- financial risk
- financial structure
- financing statement
- fine paper
- finfish excluder device
- finger chip
- finger post
- finger roll
- fingle
- finish float
- finish up with
- finishing nail
- fipple flute
- fire control
- fire insurance
- fire management
- fire pink
- fire raiser
- fire trail
- fire tree
- fire watcher
- firing order
- firm order
- firm wealth effect
- firn wind
- first call date
- first classman
- first course
- first edition
- first eleven
- first estate
- first fifteen
- first in, first out
- first offender
- first post
- first preferred stock
- first price auction
- first-past-the-post
- first-person view
- first-rounder
- fish duck
- fish for
- fish joint
- fish protein concentrate
- fishbrain
- fisherman's bend
- fishhook flea