User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/37
- polar wandering
- polarizing microscope
- pole bean
- pole jump
- pole piece
- police reporter
- policewallah
- policy science
- polish up on
- political action committee
- political theater
- pollen analysis
- pollen mother cell
- pollen sac
- polling card
- polluter-pays principle
- polo coat
- polo pony
- polyA
- polyantha rose
- polyanthus narcissus
- polyconic projection
- polygenic disorder
- polyhedral angle
- polymorphonuclear leukocyte
- polyphonic prose
- polysystemicism
- ponce about
- pony express
- pool riding
- pool-out
- poor white
- poor-me-one
- pop-top
- popinjay shooting
- poppet head
- popular sovereignty
- population revolution
- porcelain enamel
- porcupine provisions
- pore fungus
- port rotation
- port shopping
- portable document format
- portal bridge
- portal system
- portfolio theory
- portfolio turnover
- portfolio worker
- positif
- position audit
- position day
- position effect
- position limit
- position trading
- positive gloss
- positive prescription
- positive vetting
- positive yield curve
- posse cut
- possession order
- possessions corporation
- post binding
- post exchange
- post road
- post time
- post transaction
- post-September 11
- post-and-rail fence
- post-audit
- post-boost phase
- post-genitive
- post-print
- postal card
- postcoital contraception
- postconcussional syndrome
- poster color
- postinfective encephalitis
- postural integration
- postvaccinal encephalitis
- postviral syndrome
- pot on
- pot trust
- potae
- potassium ferricyanide
- potassium fluoride
- potassium hydrogen tartrate
- potassium oxalate
- potassium sodium tartrate
- potato scone
- potential GDP
- potential barrier
- potential divider
- potential gradient
- pothole lake
- potting shed
- potty-chair
- pound cost averaging
- pound scots
- pour point
- pousse-pousse
- poverty rate
- powder compact
- power amplifier
- power block
- power brake
- power mower
- power of agency
- power outage
- power skating
- power sweep
- power takeoff
- power transistor
- power twenty
- pr
- practice teaching
- prairie soil
- prairie wool
- praisery
- prayer breakfast
- pre-position
- pre-syndicate bid
- preapproach
- preauthorized check
- preauthorized electronic debit
- precautionary demand
- precautionary motive
- precautionary savings motive
- precedence diagramming method
- predictive text entry
- preengineered
- preenjoyed
- preexilian
- preferred position
- preferred provider organization
- preferred risk
- prefrontal lobotomy
- premium notice
- premium pricing
- premumble
- prepaid interest
- prepayment privilege
- prepayment risk
- prerepublican
- prescribed illness
- presensitive
- present discounted value
- preservation of capital
- press association
- press for
- press of canvas
- press of sail
- press peach
- pressed meat
- pretax profit margin
- pretendian
- prevail on
- preventive detention
- preview light
- price competition
- price differentiation
- price discovery
- price instability
- price leadership
- price limit
- price ring
- price support
- price-book ratio
- price-dividend ratio
- price-to-book ratio
- price-to-cash flow ratio
- price-to-sales ratio
- pricing policies
- prickly potato
- prickly-backed urchin
- primary atypical pneumonia
- primary banking system
- primary cell
- primary coil
- primary consumer
- primary feather
- primary qualities
- primary receiver
- primary root
- primary syphilis
- primary wave
- prime interest rate
- prime rate
- prime vertical
- primera dama
- primi
- primus inter pares
- prince royal
- prince's-feather
- princess royal
- princess-line
- principal axis
- principal diagonal
- principal plane
- principal point
- printer driver
- prion protein disease
- prior lien bond
- prism shot
- private benefit
- private brand
- private company
- private hotel
- private income
- private key cryptography
- private label card
- private letter ruling
- private member
- private patient
- private pay bed
- private sector investment
- private treaty
- private viewing
- privileged communication
- privy chamber
- prize broker
- pro forma invoice
- pro jump
- probability function
- probationary assistant
- process engineering
- process industry
- process printing
- proctalgia fugax
- procurement auction
- procès-verbal
- product liability
- product market
- product-mix efficiency
- production control
- production efficiency
- production function
- production number
- production possibilities schedule
- production possibilities
- productivity bargaining
- professional association
- professional corporation
- program director
- program of study
- program opposite
- program sponsorship
- programed learning
- programmed instruction
- progress chaser
- progress payment
- progressive jazz
- progressive wave
- project boundary
- project life cycle
- projection booth
- projection room
- projection television
- projective test
- prokaryon
- prolabor
- prom.
- promo clip
- promoter gene
- promotional product
- promotora
- prompt box
- prompt note
- prompt side
- pron.
- pronunc.
- proof theory
- prop root
- prop stand
- prop.
- property center
- proportional counter
- proportional tax
- proprietary colony
- proprietary name
- proprietors' income
- pros.
- protamine zinc insulin
- prote-
- protective coloration
- protective put buying
- protective tariff
- protein engineering
- protest-free zone
- protoceratops
- protocol statement
- proton synchrotron
- provincial court
- provincial police
- provision for doubtful debts
- provisional licence
- provisional tax
- provost court
- provost guard
- proximity card
- proximity operator
- proxy fight
- proxy statement
- prs.
- psec.
- pseud.
- pseudo-intransitive
- psf
- psid
- psilopsid
- psych.
- psychiatric aide
- psychiatric social worker
- psychoanal.
- psychological dependence
- psychological profiling
- ptomaine poisoning
- pubic bone
- public affairs
- public bar
- public bill
- public broadcasting
- public company
- public corporation
- public engagement
- public enterprise
- public expenditure
- public key encryption
- public limited partnership
- public nuisance
- public prosecutor
- public purpose bond
- public relations officer
- public room
- public sale
- public sector net cash requirement
- public spending
- public-address system
- public-liability insurance
- public-sector borrowing requirement
- public-service broadcasting
- public-service corporation
- publicly traded
- puck carrier
- puerperal psychosis
- puerperal sepsis
- puff sheet
- puffback flycatcher
- puffed-up
- pugil-stick
- pull about
- pull bone
- pull hitter
- pull technology
- pulley bone
- pullorum disease
- pulmonary anthrax