
I'm a native English speaker, born and raised in England in fact. More precisely, the North-east of England, I'm approximately a 'Geordie', and I would be interested in helping to publicize and catalogue the Northern dialects, their words and uses, etcetera, as I can. I have always referred to 'the good book' as the OED concise edition! My English skills are above average, I write professionally (commercially at work), academically (adult learner), in highly informal internet communication and even get poetic from time to time. I love the nuisance of our language, connotation is something I feel is greatly missing from dictionary definitions of words, and I can see why, it varies between cultures within the same language, but still, there are many clear cases when multiple words technically mean the same thing, but have differing uses to connote negativity, positivity, mockery, disgust, adoration, etcetera. Meaning in real language usage is in how you use it, and picking the right words is a big part of that.

I have added one word thus far: 'Outrovert' Look forward to it being peer reviewed and receiving feedback!