This user is currently working on
Lots of incorrect Turkish entries standing since 2012± which created by a single user.

Babel user information
tr-N Bu kullanıcının anadili Türkçedir.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
az-1 Bu istifadəçi Azərbaycan dilini zəif bilir.
kk-1 Бұл қатысушы қазақша бастапқы деңгейде меңгереді.
tk-1 Bu ulanyjy başlangyç derejede Türkmençe bilýär.
uz-1 Bu foydalanuvchi oʻzbek tilini boshlangʻich darajada biladi.
cv-0 Ку хутшӑнакан чӑваш чӗлхине пĕлмест (е ӑна чӗлхене ӑнланма йывӑр).
sah-0 Бу эр киһи саха тылын билбэт (эбэтэр мөлтөхтүк өйдүүр).
This user's native script is the Latin alphabet.
This user has a basic understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet.
This user has a basic understanding of the Orkhon runes script.
This user has a basic understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
{{t}}-1 This user knows the basics of how to use wiki templates in entries.
Python-1 This user knows the basics of how to write Python code and make minor tweaks.
Users by language

Computer engineering student, not a linguist nor a etymologist, just keen on them about my native language. If you think my knowledge of English is wrong or you see a mistake of mine, you are welcome to educate me.

To do


Turkish negative verbs to be corrected