I'm mostly active on de.wikipedia, sometimes on en.wikipedia and others. While using the Wiktionaries, Viccionari, Wikcionarios etc. in this or other work/passtime, I come upon some stuff I think I could contribute s.th. constructive to, en passant. Which I now did. C'est tout.
Wanted to put the links to my resp. wikipedia user-pages here. Seems dat ain't allowed, wondrin' why.... Oh, now the bot DOES allow it - wonders of the world .... ;-] Benutzer MistaPPPP on German Wiktionary - Benutzer MistaPPPP on German Wikipedia - User MistaPPPP on English Wikipedia
The funny thing about thisː While trying to fix the link thing here, the wikibigbrotherbots probably counted my five progressive dummy-goes at this as five valuable contributions to en.wiktionary, which they aren't, and which is completely unintended from my side. Oh well. German sayingː Computer sind doof. And they probably think the same about us.
--MistaPPPP (talk) 18:53, 10 February 2022 (UTC) --MistaPPPP (talk) 21:56, 4 January 2024 (UTC)
Yep, just received "You just made your tenth edit; thank you and keep going". S'far's I'm concerned, it's been TWO contributions. Poor bots seem to be counting EVERYTHING, contrib's on discussion pages included. We-e-e-ell MistaPPPP (talk) 20:23, 12 February 2022 (UTC)