Haíls, meins namo ist Moonspell Bloodlines. Ik im gutan liubands in Amerika.

Hi, my name is Moonspell Bloodlines. I am a goth living in America.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
got-3 𐍃𐌰 𐌽𐌹𐌿𐍄𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃 𐌷𐌰𐌱𐌰𐌹𐌸 𐌲𐍉𐌸 𐌺𐌿𐌽𐌸𐌹 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺𐍉𐌽𐍃 𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌳𐍉𐍃.
Sa niutands habaiþ gōþ kunþi Gutiskōns razdōs.
la-3 Hic usuarius probe ac latine conferre potest.
gem-pro-2 Hiz neutandz sumą kunþiją Þiudiskōniz tungōniz habaiþi.
ine-pro-1 Só dʰértōr ph₂wóm séneh₂s dn̥ǵʰuh₂és wékʷti.
This user has an advanced understanding of the Gothic alphabet.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Greek alphabet.
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Classical Latin


These will be Classical Latin terms I'll add once I get the Oxford Latin Dictionary. I will only put Classical terms in my pages, I hate sermo vulgaris (Vulgar Latin). I will also have a section made for my constructed language "Neo-Classical" Latin, my modernized version of Classical Latin.

User:Moonspell Bloodlines/Classical Latin nouns:

User:Moonspell Bloodlines/Classical Latin verbs:



This will be my Gothic neologism section, because i like Gothic and i want it to be popular again. There's a hand full of people who speak Gothic and/or know of it.

Gothic subjects:

Gothic nouns:

Gothic verbs:

Gothic names:

Neo-Classical Latin


User:Moonspell Bloodlines/Neo-Classical Latin nouns: