(In fact I thought this was the talk page for a definition I just posted, but then found it was my personnal talk page)

Hello. "inscribed matter" is my very first contribution to Wikitionary, so all comments and criticismes are welcome. If the proposed word and definition are accepted, then I may be be translating them onto the French Wiktionnaire as "matière dédicacée". Could be considering a Wikipedia stub too in both languages. One objective is to have the term properly defined for use on the Franch astronomy forum webastro.net.

I admit to some great surprise that such a referenced term is not already in the Wikitionary. It's been around for ten years now in 2014, and gets about 800 "good" links on a search motor.

But let's wait to see how the definition gets edited by others. If you happen to be the authors of the "inscribed matter" concept, it will be especially interesting to see how you rewrite the definition ! thanks everybody. Paul.