UTC-7 This user's time zone is UTC-7 and observes Daylight Saving Time.
en-US This user is a native speaker of American English.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
pt-3 Este usuário pode contribuir com um nível avançado de português.
fa-3 دانش فارسی این کاربر در سطح پیشرفته است.
la-2 Hic usuarius lingua latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
id-2 Pengguna ini mampu berkontribusi dengan Bahasa Indonesia tingkat menengah.
ak-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Akan.
tok-1 jan ni li ken toki pona lili e toki pona.
mi-1 He tapepa rawa te reo Māori o tēnei tangata.
pl-1 Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie podstawowym.
tr-1 Bu kullanıcı düşük seviyede Türkçe anlıyor.
tg-1 Корбари мазкур бо сатҳи дониши ибтидоии забони тоҷикӣ ҳиссагузорӣ мекунад.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
This user's native script is the Latin alphabet.
This user has a comprehensive understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Arabic script.

This user has an intermediate understanding of Hangeul.
This user has a basic understanding of the Greek alphabet.
This user has a basic understanding of Old Persian cuneiform script.

This user has an intermediate understanding of Baybayin.
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Hello!! I'm SinaSabet28 (they/them), a native Californian English speaker raised by Iranian-born immigrants.

Wiktionary is one of my favorite websites as I use it every day as my dictionary of choice.

I'm an undergraduate at University of California - San Diego, majoring in Linguistics with a Specialization in Cognition and Language.

I thought it best to give back to this lovely community by adding pronunciation and word usage examples :)

My language comprehension:


Spanish: I received a 5 on my AP Exams for Spanish Language and Spanish Literature. I tutor the Spanish language and have taught English to a class of Costa Rican students. If I could make this 3.5, I would. At UCSD I tested into the level of the course "Lit 2A or higher."

Por haber vivido en California mi vida entera, aprender español me ha dado la oportunidad para disfrutar de mi estado más profundamente. Por la historia de nuestro estado como parte de México, hay tanta gente hispanohablante en California. Casi cotidianamente conozco a alguien que habla español mejor que inglés o que no habla inglés. California tiene una mitad que habla inglés y otra que habla español, poder hablar español es una llave que te abre la otra mitad.

Portuguese: I have been learning Portuguese since the beginning of 2022 and have made many close friends from Brazil by primarily speaking Portuguese. At UCSD I tested into the level of the course "Ling 1D." I enjoy listening to Lusophone music such as bands like Moonspell and Black Pantera, as well as rappers like Baco Exu do Blues and Djonga.

Sem hipérbole, aprender português foi a melhor escolha da minha vida, sério mesmo. Aprender português completamente mudou meu jeito de aprender qualquer idioma. Quando comecei aprender, tentei mergulhar no idioma e na cultura brasileira. Agora tenho muitos amigos brasileiros e espero poder visitar eles no futuro.

Farsi/Persian: I took Heritage Persian (LIHL 117) at UCSD, a class taught nearly entirely in Farsi. I have translated for my grandmother when traveling with her. For 18 years of my life, I was raised in a bilingual English and Farsi household. I enjoy listening to music in Farsi such as bands like Az Shanbe and Padra.

هنوز برای من نوشتن به فارسی خیلی سخت است، ولی سطح دانش نوشتن فارسی من بعد از این که کلاس در دانشگاه گرفتم بسیار بهتر شد. کم‌کم دارم با فامیلم تمرین می‌کنم. هی گیج می‌شوم وقتی باید به فارسی یک چیزی بنویسم. بعضی‌وقت‌ها به ​خودم فکر می‌کنم، کاش مثل ترکیه ما هم الفابه لاتین را شروع کرده بودیم استفاده کنیم

Latin: I received a 4 on my AP Latin exam (self study). I have tutored Latin before and still practice on my own.

German: I had a tutor for over a year and practice weekly with German speakers online. At UCSD I tested into the level of the courses "Ling 1D or Lit 2A."

Indonesian: Although it has gotten weaker over time, I practice Indonesian regularly with native speakers. I often learn new vocabulary by listening to the Indonesian death metal band Deadsquad.

French & Italian: Speaking Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin, as well has having Francophone & Italophone friends has enabled me to be able to understand certain basic sentences.

Polish: I was very dedicated to learning Polish when I was 13 but gave up. I still have a lot of memory of declension and conjugation patterns in the language as well as basic vocabulary, especially thanks to listening to the band Poparzeni Kawą Trzy.

Tajik: Due to my aforementioned knowledge of Farsi, and my ability to read Cyrillic, understanding Tajik is not super difficult for me.

Toki Pona: I own pu and ku.