User:Surjection/Finnish catechisms

Known Finnish-language catechisms from before the 18th century

Year Author/Finnish translator Printer Published in Title Pages Status Notes
c. 1543 Mikael Agricola Amund Laurentsson Stockholm Abckiria 16 (1st ed.)
24 (2nd/3rd ed.)
Mostly preserved Primer-catechism. Second edition in 1551, third in 1559.
No complete copies survive, but multiple fragments (from different editions) mean we can compile an effectively full copy.
The first Finnish-language book ever published (that we are aware of).
1574 Paavali Juusten Amund Laurentsson Stockholm Catechismus, somenkielen tulkittus udistettu ja jumalisten ja caunisten rukoisten ja kijtos sanain cansa enätty ia surella wisudella koottu somalaisten hywäxi ja jocapäiväsexi tarpexi, secä cotona että matkas. ? Lost Possibly based on Luther's Small Catechism. Final known surviving copy destroyed in the 1827 Great Fire of Turku.
c. 1581 Johannes Matthiae Jussoila ? ? ? ? Unknown Existence uncertain.
1583 Jaakko (Jacobus) Finno Andreas Gutterwitz Stockholm Catechismus [...?] (1st ed)
Catechismus eli sen christilisen opin pää cappalet, lyhykäisen vluos toimituxen cansa, yxikertaisil inhimisil sangen tarpelinen (2nd ed)
? (1st ed)
72 (2nd ed)
Partially lost Based on Luther's Small Catechism.
First edition only partially preserved.
Second edition in 1615 (72 pages, printed by Christopher Reusner in Stockholm) preserved in its entirety.
1607 Simon Johannis Carelius Staffan [Mylly] Rostock Catechismus, se on christilisen opin pääcappaleet, d. Martinus Lutherin vlostoimituxen cansa, soomen kielen tulkitut 72 Preserved Luther's Small Catechism, no additions.
Rediscovered in 2015.
1614 Ericus Erici Sorolainen Christopher Reusner Stockholm Catechismus eli christilisen opin pääcappalet, lyhykäisen ja yxikerraitzen vlgostoimitoxen cansa 505 Preserved Luther's Large Catechism.
c. 1614–1621 Ericus Erici Sorolainen Christopher Reusner (1st ed)
Ignatius Meurer (2nd ed)
Stockholm — (title page begins with the letters of the alphabet) 16 Preserved Primer-catechism. Preserved 2nd edition from 1629, 1st ed lost.
c. 1614–1621 Ericus Erici Sorolainen Christopher Reusner or Ignatius Meurer (1st ed)
Ignatius Meurer (2nd ed)
Stockholm Wähä catechismus, erinomaisten kysymisten ia wastausten cansa, vlgoswedetty suomen kielen catechismuxesta, ensistä oppiwaisten tähden 120 (2nd run) Preserved Based on Luther's Small Catechism. Republished numerous times. The title is from the 2nd run, as the 1st run is lost. Preserved copies belong to: 2nd run 1629, 7th run (64 pages) 1654, and as part of Manuale finnonicum (1630, 1653, 1658). 1st run fully lost, 3th and 4th run 1630 fully lost (except for the title page of the 4th run), 5th run 1651 (1630 in colophon) almost fully lost, 6th run 1654 (72 pages) fully lost, 8th run 1654 (60 pages) fully lost.
1628 Canutus Martini Carelius Ignatio Meurero Stockholm Somen kielinen d. Martinus Lutherin pienembi catechismus saxan kielen jälken ojettu, a Canuto Carelio Vijdeburgio 80 Preserved Based on Luther's Small Catechism.
1639–1640 ? ? ? ? ? Unknown Supposed Cyrillic(!) catechism. Existence uncertain.
1643 Henricus Martini Fattebuur (ordered by Petrus Bjugg) Peter van Selow Stockholm Catechismus... ? Lost Based on Luther's Small Catechism.
1644 Johan Roselindt/Johannes Roselin (ordered by Petrus Bjugg) Peter van Selow Stockholm катехис͛мꙋсъ э҆́ли се христилинень опьпи меиденъ ꙋскомъ пѧе кап͛палегиста нꙋорелъ ꙗ ѷѯикєр͛таисеⷧ҇ кан͛саль сан͛генъ тар͛пелиненъ. 88 Preserved Cyrillic(!) edition of the 1643 catechism
1664 Ericus Erici episc. Aboënsis Ignatius Meurer Stockholm Wähä catechismus, erinomaisten kysymisten ia wastausten cansa, vlgoswedetty suomen kielen catechismuxesta, ensistä oppiwaisten tähden 72 Preserved New version of the 1614–1621 Sorolainen catechism. Based on Luther's Small Catechism. Republished numerous times. Some runs are fully preserved, but most are either entirely or almost entirely lost. The title is from the 2nd edition, as the 1st ed is lost. Preserved copies belong to: 2nd run 1664–1668, 4th run 1670, 5th run 1682. Lost runs: 1st run fully lost, 3th run 1668 fully lost.
1666 Johannes Gezelius Sr. Petar Hansson Turku Yxi paras lasten tawara on I. ABC kirja. II. Catechismus. III. Kysymyxet. IV. P. Raamatun erinomaiset opetus sanat 96 Preserved Primer-catechism. Republished in multiple editions over 100 times. Many early print runs from the 17th century are entirely lost (e.g. 1670, 1674, 1680, 1682, 1683, 1687?).
1670 Johannes Gezelius Sr. Johan Winter Turku Mutamat yxikertaiset kysymyxet, uloswedetyt endisistä,ja pidemmistä kysymyxistä (cuin owat cootut nijden tähden, jotca tahtowat Lutheruxen selityxen P. Ramatun perustoxella wahwista) ja uloskäynet, että yhtäläinen tapa pidettäisin caikisa seuracuñisa 24 Preserved Based on Luther's Small Catechism. 1st ed lost, title and page count from 2nd ed (1671). 3rd ed (1673) also lost. Later runs from 1680s-1690s survive.
1674 Jacobus Pauli Raumannus Johan Winter Turku D. Martinus Lutheruxen Catechismus se suurembi hänen cuningallisen Maij:tins cuningas Carlein, sen XI. Ruotzin, Göthein, ja Wendein, etc. etc. suurwoimallisimman cuningan ja herran armollisimman käskystä, ja culutuxella. 240 Preserved Luther's Large Catechism.
1684 Johannes Gezelius Sr. Johan Winter Turku Yxi paras lasten tawara on I. ABC kirja. II. Catechismus. III. Kysymyxet. IV. Muutamat jumaliset rucouxet. 72 Preserved Primer-catechism. New version of 1666 catechism. Republished at least in 1687, 1691, 1693.
1687 ? Henric Keyser Stockholm Catechesis, taicka summa sijtä pyhäst Raamatust. Joca sisälläns pitä ne cuusi pääkappaletta sijtä christillisest opist. Nuorudelle ja nijlle yxikertaisille suurex hyödytyxex, kysymyxis käsitetty. D. Martinvs Lvthervxelda 96 Preserved Translation of Luther's Small Catechism.
1689 Petrus Bång Daniel Medelplan Vyborg Catechismus... 26 Lost Translation of Luther's Small Catechism. Some pages may be preserved in a 1690 book.
1695 ? Johann Georg Wilk Riga D. Mart. Lutheruxen Catechismus, ulostoimitusten cansa 62 Preserved Translation of Luther's Small Catechism.
1695 ? Johann Georg Wilk Riga Pyhän Lutheruxen catechismus, lyhykäisest pyhän Raamatun jälken selitetty ja cokonpandu kysymysten ja wastausten canssa 145 Preserved Translation of Luther's Small Catechism.

Honorable mention: Daniel Medelplan's primer-catechism printed in Pälkäne in 1719 during the Great Wrath, called Lasten Paras Tawara, elli ABC-Kirja, joca on suuren tarpeen tähden leicattu Puuhun ja Pälkänen Seurakunnan Saarnamiesten toimituxen cautta, and printed and published by the author. The book, which was apparently based on the 1666 Gezelius primer-catechism, was printed with wooden printing plates. It is lost, as the only known surviving copy was destroyed in the 1827 Great Fire of Turku.