

IPA enPR Indicates
ˈ (ˈa) ʹ (aʹ) primary stress
ˌ (ˌa) ' (a') secondary stress (or sometimes tertiary stress) before the primary stress, tertiary stress after the primary stress as in battlefield /ˈbætəlˌfiːld/
a.a a-a division between syllables
̩ syllabic consonant, as in ridden [ˈɹɪdn̩]
ʔ glottal stop, as in uh-oh /ˈʌʔoʊ/, [ˈʌ̆ʔ˦oʊ˨]


IPA enPR Examples
ɑ ä car, palm
æ ă bad, cat
ɛɹ ăr carry
ā day, pain
ɑɹ är bard, arm
IPA enPR Examples
ɛɹ âr hair, there
ɛ ĕ bed
ɛɹ ĕr merry
i ē easy, see
IPA enPR Examples
ɪ ĭ sit, witty
i city, very
ɨ roses
ɪɹ ĭr, îr near, here
ī sky, ice
IPA enPR Examples
ɑ ŏ not, wash
ō go, hope
oɹ, ɔɹ ōr hoarse
ɔ ô yaw, sought
ɔɹ ôr horse
ɔɪ oi coy, noise
IPA enPR Examples
ʊ o͝o, ŏŏ put, foot
ʊɹ o͝or, ŏŏr tour
u o͞o, ōō through, soon
ou house, now
ʌ ŭ run, enough
IPA enPR Examples
ɝ, əɹ ûr fur, bird
ə ə about
ɚ ər winner, enter


IPA enPR Examples
b b web, rubble
t͡ʃ ch chair, nature
f f fa, enough
g g get, bag
h h hat
ʍ (hw) hw which
d͡ʒ j join, agile
k k cat, tack
l l light, balloon
l̩ (əl) l little
m m mast, hem
m̩ (əm) m spasm, prism
n n note, pan
n̩ (ən) n hidden
ŋ ng ring
p p pin
ɹ r run, airy
s s set, ice
ʃ sh ash, ration
t t ton
θ th think, nothing
ð th this, clothe
v v vanilla
w w wet
j y yarn
z z zoo, rose
ʒ zh vision, treasure