User:Visviva/Toronto Star 20090616

← Previous (2009-06-15) Words harvested from the Toronto Star, 2009-06-16
  • List status: uncleaned
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This is a list of lowercase non-hyphenated single words, lacking English entries in the English Wiktionary as of the most recent database dump, found in the 2009-06-16 issue of the Toronto Star (2009-08-22).

[ see all Toronto Star pages ] - [ see all tracking lists ] - [ This day's: GuardianNew York TimesPubMed Central - arXiv - PLOS ONE ]

48119 tokens ‧ 35345 valid lowercase tokens ‧ 6054 types ‧ 7 (~ 0.116%) words before cleaning ‧ 


  1. distaffer
  2. trippage

