Welcome Laxori,

It's great to see you tackle those entries we didn't know what to do about. So they are Romanian words. I would like to ask you to have a look at what I did with them. Since the wiki is all about linking everything together. It would be great if you would turn the English translations into links by putting [[ ]] around them. Also, do words in Romanian have genders? It's interesting information. Do the adjectives have comparatives and superlatives? With the infinitives I added an example where to was replaced by a. I think this is customary in Romanian, isn't it?

Many thanks for your contributions! Polyglot 23:49, 26 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Hi Laxori,
If the superlatives and comparatives are always formed in a regular way, I don't think it is necessary to add them specifically. The gender is indicated as follows: m for masculin, f for feminin and n for neuter. For plural words you can use pl. To find the gender in Dutch, what I do is to repeat the word with a pronoun:
The horse, it runs. Het paard, het loopt. -> n
The windmill, it turns. De windmolen, hij draait. -> m
The sun, it shines. De zon, ze schijnt. -> f
In Dutch, the problem is that people from Holland and people from Flanders (Belgium) won't always agree on the gender of the masculin and feminin words. So I'm dreading the moment somebody will come to tell me the genders aren't correct... Anyway, our dictionaries are not very explicit about it, so it's hard to actually look it up and it's only important when doing this substition by a pronoun. It's not like in French where they have accordance and all that. If this exists in Romanian, then that is another way to find the gender. Polyglot 19:02, 27 July 2005 (UTC)Reply