

Please refer to WT:CFI#Fictional universes. The entry you created seems to have been a protologism and has been deleted. If you are sure that it is a real word, please provide evidence of this word being used in durably archived media (mainly printed books, and usenet groups) as required by our inclusion criteria. For a term to be included, it must be used by at least three different authors, spaced in time by at least three years, and the authors must not merely be explaining the word's meaning. If you can find any such quotations, please add them to the citations page. --EncycloPetey 02:32, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, I don't dabble in Esperanto, although we do have a few active contributors who do. Some of the languages that I list a "1" for are getting a bit rusty, since I seldom practice my Dutch or Old English. I mostly work in English, Latin, and Galician, with occassional plunges into Spanish. If you think my Babel box is impressive, you should see this one. --EncycloPetey 04:46, 27 November 2009 (UTC)Reply