User talk:Stephen G. Brown/text8

Jóhonaaʼáí ályaagi (making of the sun)

  • Díí Késhmish biyiʼ yáʼąąshdę́ę́ʼ ląʼígóó bee nikʼihojidlíi dooleeł. Niheechʼínáánáháhígíí biyiʼ iłhodeezyéél, iłhózhǫ́, ayóóʼóʼóʼní bee nikʼihojidlíi dooleeł. Tʼáá sahdiigiʼ átʼéego baa hózhǫ́ǫgo nihił hanááhoolzhiizhígí biyiʼ tʼáá ałtsojįʼ iłhózhǫ́ nííʼ dooleeł.
    May this Christmas season bring you many blessings from above, and may the coming year be filled with peace and joy and love. Every happiness to you at this wonderful time of year.

Kodóó éí nizhónígo dooleeł díísh jį́.... Nahasdzáán shimá, Yádiłhił shitaaʼ Díí Hayoołkaał dóó Nohdeetlʼiizh, Nohootsoi, Chahałheeł, bikááʼ naasháa...Haʼaʼaahdi Sisnaajiní, Yoołgaai Dził éí Nah tsahakees, Shádiʼááhdi Tsoodził, Dootłʼizhii Dził éí Nahatʼa, Eʼeʼaahdi Dookʼoʼoosłííd, Diichiłí Dził éí Iiná, Náhookǫsdi Dibé Nitsaa, Bahshinii Dził ai Sihasin, Dził Naʼoodiłii, Yódí Dził, Chʼoołʼiiʼ, Ntlʼiz Dził, Dził Asdzą́ą́, Tó Asdzą́ą́, Shicheii Haashchʼééłtiʼí, Shicheii Hashchʼéoghan, Yoołgaai Asdzą́ą́ Shimá, Asdzą́ą́ Nadleehi Shimá, Naadaʼałgai ashkii, Naadaʼałtsoi atʼééd, Yodi ałtaasʼei, Nitlʼiz ałtaasʼ éí, Tó altaashchiin, Tó biyáázh, Tádídíín ashkii, Aniłtanii atʼééd, Siʼah Naaghai Ashkii, Bikeh Hozhoon Atʼééd, Díí bee nihitsijįʼ hózhǫ́ǫ dooleeł, Nihikéédę́ę́ʼ hózhǫ́ǫ dooleeł, Nihiyaagi hózhǫ́ǫ dooleeł, Nihikʼigi hózhǫ́ǫ dooleeł, Nihinaa tʼaa ałtso hózhǫ́ǫ dooleeł, índa nihizaad hada hózhǫ́ǫ dooleeł, Díí bee Siʼah Naaghai bikeh hózhóon Nishlii do.

:Hózhǫ́ náhásdlį́į́ʼ... :Hózhǫ́ náhásdlį́į́ʼ... :Hózhǫ́ náhásdlį́į́ʼ...

:Hózhǫ́ náhásdlį́į́ʼ...

At this time today beauty will start from here... Mother earth, father sky, in this early dawn and blue twilight, evening yellow twilight, folding darkness, as we walk above... East, White Shell Mountain is adorned with thinking. South, Turquoise Mountain is adorned with planning. West, Abalone Shell Mountain is adorned with life. North, Black Jet Mountain is adorned with happiness. From the other four sacred mountains, my grandfather Talking God, my grandfather House God, my mother White Shell, my mother Changing Woman, White corn boy, Yellow corn girl, south materialistic goods, harden materialistic goods, water of different forms, son of water, corn pollen boy, corn beetle girl, harmony boy, beauty girl, with this our body will be beautiful, with beauty behind you, with beauty before you, with beauty below you, with beauty above you, may there be beauty all around you. May there be beauty from our mouth. We shall be in harmony, walk in beauty, and live in happiness with all that exists.
In beauty I walk...
In beauty I walk...
In beauty I walk...
In beauty I walk...
pááh: ceremonial word used as a blessing in some ceremonies, such as when a patient asks for a ceremony called ńtʼááshi (the darkening of the body of the patient). In the evening, three different plants are burned on a flat rock and crushed into fine powder. Then the powder is mixed with sheep fat and rolled into a ball. When the singing starts, the medicine man’s helper breaks up the tʼááshi and divides it among the people who are inside with the patient. The helper takes some ashes from the fireplace and gives each tʼááshi holder some ash. The ashes are placed in from of each person on the ground. The helper passes out a crow feather to each person. When the singing starts again, the participants place the ashes on the tip of the feather and hold it there until certain verses are sung and the medicine man raises his arms to the sky. That is when each person says pááh and blows the ashes off of the feather. It is repeated four times.
Other uses: our grandparents used to tell us to say pááh whenever we would see a shooting star. Also when there is lightning in a thunderstorm, as protection against being struck.

from a Chantway prayer

shikeeʼ sháádiłiił
shijáád sháádiłiił
shatsʼíís sháádiłiił
shíniʼ sháádiłiił
shiné sháádiłiił
jį́į́disdzį́į́ naalíl sháʼadilel
naalíl shaʼanéinlaʼ
shitsadzhe tsʼiʼndinlaʼ
nizhágo nastłį́į́
hozhǫ́ǫgo nadedishdááł
my feet for me restore
my legs for me restore
my body for me restore
my mind for me restore
my voice for me restore
this very day your spell for me remove
you spell is now removed for me
away from me you have taken it
far off it is gone
happily I will recover


Shooting Chants
Mountain Chants
God-Impersonators (yéʼii hólóní)
Wind Chant (níłchʼijí)
Hand-Trembling Chant
Eagle Trapping



Ił Hodéezyéél Bíká Sohodizin

Diyin Nílíinii bee ił hodéezyéél shaa nílééh
doo łahgo ádeeshłíłígíí doo bíneeshʼą́ą́góó,
adziilii bee łahgo ádeeshłíiłgo bíneeshʼą́ą doo,
hódząʼ bee áłʼąą átʼéego shił bééhózin dooleeł.
Plegaria de la Serenidad
Señor, concédeme serenidad para
aceptar todo aquello que no puedo cambiar,
fortaleza para cambiar lo que soy capaz de cambiar
y sabiduría para entender la diferencia.
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