Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2009-03/Context labels in ELE

Context labels in ELE


[Note I've created a much-abbreviated proposal based on this at Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2009-03/Context labels in ELE v2, and moved most of the implementation details to Wiktionary talk:Context labels. Let's talk over the short version's text during the week, and vote before the same deadline. Sorry for the delay—I had meant to do this before the vote began, but never applied myself to it. Michael Z. 2009-05-17 18:00 z]

  • Voting on: addition of a guideline describing the intent and usage of context labels to WT:ELE (under #Definitions, between #Abbreviations and #Example sentences). Text follows:
Context labels

A context label identifies a definition which only applies in a restricted context. Many context label templates also place an entry into a relevant category, but they must not be used merely for categorization (see category links, below). One or more labels may be placed before the definition:

wikitext result

# {{informal}} An [[informant]] or [[snitch]].

  1. (informal) An informant or snitch.

In a non-English entry, use the lang parameter to categorize it correctly. For example, lang=fr places an entry into Category:fr:Entomology:

# {{entomology|lang=fr}} A [[true bug]], a member of order [[Heteroptera]].

  1. (entomology) A true bug, a member of order Heteroptera.

Context labels themselves are categorized:

  • Topical labels identify usage in a technical or specialized subject field: medicine, banking, etc.
  • Regional labels identify dialect or regionalism: Australia, Flemish, etc.
  • Grammatical context labels identify the part of speech or grammatical function of the sense: auxiliary, uncountable, etc.
  • Usage labels identify other contexts: archaic, historical, slang, vulgar, etc.
  • Qualifiers modify other context labels: chiefly, etc.

If a sense takes more than one context label, they should be applied together. Except for qualifiers, they will be separated by commas. Exclusive context labels can be separated with or:

wikitext result

# {{dated|US|slang}} A [[detective]].
# {{chiefly|UK}} A [[pharmacist]].
# {{archaic|or|poetic}} [[evening|Evening]].

  1. (dated, US, slang) A detective.
  2. (chiefly UK) A pharmacist.
  3. (archaic or poetic) Evening.

If necessary, an ad hoc label can be entered following any established context label or the generic context:

# {{context|visual art}} The [[thickness]] of a [[rule]] or [[stroke]].

  1. (visual art) The thickness of a rule or stroke.

Suppress a comma with an underscore:

# {{especially|Canada|Northwest|_|US}} [[excellent|Excellent]], [[impressive]].

  1. (especially Canada, Northwest US) Excellent, impressive.

These templates are based on {{context}}.

  • Vote starts: 0:00 8 May 2009 (UTC)
  • Vote ends: 24:00 6 June 2009 (UTC)


  1.   Support DAVilla 08:51, 10 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  2.   Support EncycloPetey 14:01, 11 May 2009 (UTC) I'm sure that this could be expanded, but probably shouldn't be expanded any more on the (already long) ELE. This looks like a nice summary. --EncycloPetey 14:01, 11 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  3.   Support Seems all good to me. 50 Xylophone Players talk 16:36, 11 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  4.   Support Bequw¢τ 00:04, 12 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]


  1.   I'm not happy about voting in opposition: I very strongly agree with that clause the inclusion of which is, I guess, the reason this vote was started: "A context label identifies a definition which only applies in a restricted context. Many [categorize], but they must not be used merely for categorization" (emphasis removed). However, I oppose other aspects of the proposed amendment, sufficiently, in all, to make me oppose the whole:
    1. I think that how-to section on using or and underscores, and other informative stuff like the division of context labels into five types, do not belong in a policy document, but, rather, in a help-namespace page and/or the template talk page only. Policy documents should comprise policy, so that people know, well, what is policy. This other stuff, though currently true and very informative, is not policy. (Or, on the other hand, if this proposal includes that this information be policy, then I don't like that either. See also the next item.)
    2. The same information the presence of which I objected to in the preceding item because only policy belongs in a policy document I object to here on other grounds: ELE cannot be changed without a vote, which means that this information, which should not have that status (i.e., it should be changeable without a vote), will.
    3. I agree with DAVilla's objection (in the talkpage of this vote, q.v.) about Northwest|_|US: I "don't really like advertising ad hoc solutions in the meantime."
    msh210 23:48, 11 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    A comment on my vote, which looks like it exemplifies what's wrong with votes, as raised in Ruakh's objection to RU's only-by-vote vote in the not-only-by-vote vote: See RU's comment in the first place, "All policy does not have to be crammed into (e.g.) WT:ELE."—msh210 00:01, 12 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    I would consider this to be a friendly amendment, but I would have to ask Mzajac to make it. To me the substance of the vote is, should this information be included in ELE? At least as an introduction, yes. DAVilla 06:09, 13 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  2.   Oppose Ƿidsiþ 14:50, 12 May 2009 (UTC) I like context labels but as per this conversation, I cannot support the current wording, at least not without some more discussion of how this affects foreign-language entries. Ƿidsiþ 14:50, 12 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  3.   Oppose, regretfully, per msh210, but strongly support taking this as the first draft of Wiktionary:Context labels. —RuakhTALK 20:32, 12 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    Aw, darn it, we already have Wiktionary:Context labels — and it was created after this vote. What the heck? *am very confused* —RuakhTALK 20:34, 12 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    That information was copied over from the template page. It still needs to be molded into a description of usage labels and their employment rather than a description of {{context}} and its use. DAVilla 06:09, 13 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]



