See also: wren


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Etymology 1


Originally a nickname from Middle English wrenne (wren).

Proper noun



  1. A surname transferred from the nickname.
  2. Sir Christopher Wren, English architect
    • 1983, Marcus Whiffen, Frederick Koeper, American Architecture: 1607-1860:
      The Wren church did not cross the Atlantic at once.
    • 1999, Andrew Prescott et al., The British inheritance: a treasury of historic documents:
      This engraving of a Wren design for the north elevation was made in 1702.
    • 2004, Thomas Bruce Wheeler, London Secrets: London Guidebook for the First Time Visitor:
      Wren rebuilt this church 15 years after the Great Fire, and later renovations have not altered its 17th-century appearance.
    • 2007, Karla J. Nielson, Interior textiles: fabrics, applications, & historical styles:
      Wren architecture and Queen Anne furniture style flourished in tandem during the reigns of George II and George III.
    • 2007, Kerry Downes, Christopher Wren:
      The philanthropic concerns underlying Chelsea turned to the navy, and Wren was among those who in 1693 discussed a permanent institution on this site.
    • 2008, Mark Child, Discovering Churches and Churchyards:
      This is not to say that a hallmark Wren steeple was universally applied.
  3. (rare) A male or female given name from English from the noun wren.
    • 2000, Rebecca Wade, A Wanted Woman, Avon Books, →ISBN, page 53:
      "What's ironic," Alexandra said, "is that Mother named her Wren because as a newborn she reminded Mother of a shy bird. Little did she know."

Etymology 2


From the similarity to WRNS, influenced by wrens (birds).



Wren (plural Wrens)

  1. (UK, informal) A female member of the Royal Navy (a member of the WRNS)
    • 2007, Jonathan R. Rayner, The naval war film: genre, history, national cinema:
      The characterisation of male officers as ineffectual chauvinists, and the offering of the Wrens as objects for Charlie's and the viewer's gaze, are mutually contradictory as well as uncomplimentary to all branches of the Navy.
    • 2008, Brian Lavery, CHURCHILL'S NAVY: THE SHIPS, MEN AND ORGANISATION, 1939-1945:
      There was plenty of work for Wrens in the training bases of the navy.
    • 2008, Mark Barber, The British Fleet Air Arm in World War II:
      By the end of 1942 Wren officers were permitted to enrol on the meteorological course at RNC Greenwich, after which they were employed as fully qualified forecasters.

