



adeoniform (not comparable)

  1. Resembling the fossil bryozoan Adeona, especially in forming a colony that is lobate and bilamellar.
    • 1969, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (page 812)
      In both faunas, the dominant zoarial types are catenicelliform, followed by the cellariiform, adeoniform, and vinculariiform.
    • 1981, Gilbert Powell Larwood, Claus Nielsen, Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: Papers Presented at the 5th International Conference on Bryozoa, Durham, 1980, page 71:
      The Aliso Viejo cheilostome branches represent the adeoniform (originally included within the vinculariiform) zoarial growth form, which today occurs predominantly on deeper shelf [] bottoms, in quiet water with slow sedimentation []
    • 2012, Andrej Ernst, Priska Schäfer, Joachim Scholz, Bryozoan Studies 2010, page 187:
      The community of bryozoans associated with the rhizomes comprises 49 species. The most common fragments belong to an adeoniform species, []