




  1. (leetspeak, text messaging) Abbreviation of anyone.
    • 1998 December 7, Flamer, “Over a Pentium 133Mhz any1?”, in alt.comp.hardware.overclocking[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-10:
      Any1 tried overclocking a Pentium 133Mhz sys? Im thinking of doing that?
      Any1 any idea...will greatly appreciate any advise.[sic] Thanx
    • 2001 February 10, Sally Bunce, “does any1 know [ mra ] tombat”, in alt.games.half-life.counterstrike[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-10:
      hi its [*ARS*]BloodFalcon[CL], i was playin with [ mra ] tombat the other night and we were gettin on really well he was about to give me his e-mail just when he got kicked and then didn't come back on, does any1 know him cos i'd really like to play with him again, any1 have his e-mail or icq??? ok thanks every1
    • 2001 November 2, Robert Lamb, “any1 here ?”, in alt.games.quake[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-10:
      any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ?
      any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ?
      any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ?
      any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ?
      any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ? any1 here ?
    • 2002 March 29, jon, “any1 know”, in rec.sport.skating.ice.figure[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-10:
      any1 know how to put a[sic] ice rink in the back yard?
      well, does any1 know a contractor or company that sells back yard ice rinks?
    • 2021 December 11, SynCity, “Did any1 lost[sic] a[sic] eternal-spetember[sic] acocunt?[sic]”, in alt.checkmate[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-06-10: