



From the name of a fluorescent Crayola crayon released in 1972.



atomic tangerine

  1. A light orange colour.
    atomic tangerine:  
    • 2016 April 2, Tanya Gold, “Bellanger review: a posh Islington restaurant for semi-ordinary people”, in The Spectator[1]:
      The jokes are dust, and Blair, it is rumoured, is living on a jet full time, flying away from himself or, as I think more probable, under a spray-tan machine, staining himself that peculiar shade of orange that interior decorators call Atomic Tangerine, a fine mirror for his madness.
    • 2017 June 23, Jordan Kisner, “Being Donald Trump: the life of an impersonator”, in The Guardian[2]:
      Becoming Trump requires a full hour of hair and makeup. He tapes three large photographs of the president, one in profile and two straight-on, to any mirror he’s using, and then uses Ben Nye CoCo Tan foundation to turn his skin the requisite shade of atomic tangerine, dabs on wrinkles, lengthens his nose, and so on.
    • 2018 March 20, Marissa A. Ross, ““Orange Wine” Needs to Go Away—Hear Me Out”, in Bon Appétit[3]:
      Partida Creus’ “Cart Ver” is atomic tangerine in color and so delicious it’s trouble. Well integrated with lots of acidity, it smells like an Orange Crush and a strawberry michelada and tastes like strawberry ocean water
    • 2019 July 10, Miriam Schwartz, “Cambridge home a tangerine dream”, in The Boston Herald[4]:
      The first thing you should know about 79 Fresh Pond Parkway in Cambridge is that it’s not orange. Officially dubbed as “Atomic Tangerine” the home’s distinctive facade is one part quirky to nine parts endearing.