
English Wikipedia has an article on:

Alternative forms




From translingual Baridinae.



baridine (plural baridines)

  1. Any weevil of the curculionid subfamily Baridinae, known as flower weevils.
    Synonym: flower weevil
    • 2009, Steven R. Davis, “Morphology of Baridinae and related groups (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)”, in ProQuest:
      Although baridines are quite easily differentiated from most other weevil groups by their characteristic round shape and ascended mesepimeron, these traditional diagnostic characters certainly are not apomorphic to baridines only and, below the level of subfamily, baridine identification is difficult at best (Anderson 2002).
    • 2022 March 16, “Pteridobaris maritima (Roelofs)”, in TreatmentBank[1]:
      Biology. Nothing is known about the life history of Pteridobaris species except that P. maritima and an undescribed species have been collected from ferns (Morimoto & Yoshihara 1996). The only other known baridines associated with ferns are species of the New World genera Lamprobaris Champion and Lissobaris Champion (A. Howden, J. Prena, unpubl. data).
    • (Can we date this quote?), “Subfamily Baridinae - Flower Weevils - BugGuide.Net”, in BugGuide.Net[2]:
      The natural history of baridines is poorly known. (...) Many baridines can also be found in semi-aquatic habitats