




  1. present participle and gerund of bay
    The mob approached the castle, baying for royal blood.



baying (countable and uncountable, plural bayings)

  1. An instance of baying; a howl.
    • 1877, Charles Cayley (translator), Homer Iliad, book XXI
      Soon as he hears bayings, and is not alarm'd nor affrighted...
    • 1880, Mark Twain, chapter 24, in A Tramp Abroad[1]:
      ...the distressed bayings of his dogs, ...
    • 1885, “The Dogs of War”, in Charles Dickens, Jr, editor, All the Year Round[2], volume XXXVI:
      And the thrill which their ill-omened bayings send through people at large is a measure of the state of tension in which the general mind is held.
    • 1886, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, translated by H.L. Brækstad, Folk and Fairy Tales, page 279:
      When I had advanced some distance into the forest, I heard the notes of the bugle and the distant baying of hounds in full cry, which gradually ceased, till nothing but a faint echo of the bugle reached my ear.
    • 1907, Frank Justus Miller (translator), Seneca, Hercules Furens Act III
      Who, tossing back and forth his triple heads,/ With mighty bayings watches o'er the realm.

