



blanket +‎ -ful



blanketful (plural blanketsful or blanketfuls)

  1. As much as fits on or can be carried in a blanket.
    • 1920, F.H. Cushing, Zuñi Breadstuff, page 204:
      Blanketful after blanketful is picked , husks and all , and carried to some distant wooded hill where the soil is solid .
    • 2013, Benji Alexander Palus, The Magic Pumpkin, page 230:
      The boys had made the chamber opposite the entrance to the cave into their bedroom, and had brought back blanketful after blanketful of fire leaves to sleep on and to cushion the bottom of the slide .
    • 2023, Darcy Burke, It Started With a Duke:
      The thought of sharing Nora with a blanketful of people annoyed him nearly as much as the glove on her hand.