



body jacket (plural body jackets)

  1. A form-fitting garment covering the upper body, with or without sleeves.
    • 1824 May, “The Drama. Covent Garden and Drury Lane”, in The London Magazine, volume 9, page 367:
      Young Grimaldi, in a white body jacket, plays off several antics at the end of the first act []
    • 1896, James O. Lyford, “The Governor’s Horse Guards” in History of Concord New Hampshire, City History Commission, Volume I, Appendix, p. iii,[1]
      The uniform of the field was a white dolman, green body jacket and trousers, shako and pompon, gray astrachan fur and gold lace trimmings []
    • 1896, Joseph Conrad, chapter IV, in An Outcast of the Islands, London: T. Fisher Unwin [], →OCLC, part V, page 374:
      The dazzling white stuff of her body jacket was crossed by a bar of yellow and silver of her scarf, []
    • 1948, Marguerite Henry, chapter 22, in King of the Wind[2], New York: Rand McNally, published 1970, page 163:
      Two grooms stood ready with silken lead ropes. They were dressed in the Earl’s stable colors—scarlet silk body jackets and long scarlet stockings.
    • 1989, Matthew Hunter, chapter 32, in Comrades[3], New York: Popular Library, page 263:
      The soldier was sweating in his body jacket, and carrying an assault rifle []
  2. (medicine) A rigid brace that fits around the torso (but does not cover the neck, arms or legs) to immobilize the spine, reduce curvature, etc.
    • 1934 October, John T. Saunders, “Lateral Curvature of the Spine Should Be Treated”, in Southern Medicine & Surgery[4], volume 96, number 10, Charlotte, North Carolina, page 543:
      For three months after the operation the patient remains recumbent in the original bent jacket. Then he is allowed to walk in a body jacket applied so as to produce a slight list of the trunk toward the convexity of the primary curve.
    • 2000, chapter 11, in Harry B. Skinner, editor, Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthopedics[5], 2nd edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, page 562:
      When the goal is to provide postural support, slow progression, or postpone (but not prevent) surgery, a polypropylene body jacket, or “clam-shell brace,” may suffice for waking or sitting hours.