See also: brush down





brush-down (plural brush-downs)

  1. The act of brushing down (a person, animal or object).
    • 1949, George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four[1], Part Two, Chapter 3:
      Give me a brush-down, would you? Have I got any twigs in my hair? Are you sure? Then good-bye, my love, good-bye!'
    • 2006, Clara Miller, The Reluctant Heretic[2], Publishing:
      Together, the two young men fed and watered their mounts, gave them quick brush-downs and chatted happily the whole time.
    • 2013 November 1, Joanna Simmons, Emily Henson, “Modern rustic: decorating your home with reclaimed timber”, in The Daily Telegraph:
      A light sand or a soft brush-down with wire wool is often enough to clean up the wood while preserving its character.