

Alternative forms




bum squabbled (not comparable)

  1. (slang, archaic) Discomfitted; perplexed and defeated.
    • 1835, Thomas Chandler Haliburton, The Clockmaker: Or the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick:
      If he didn't look bumsquabbled it's a pity.
    • 1866, A.R.W., “A Legend of the American War. A Regular "Jonathan," and No Mistake”, in Colburn's United Service Magazine, page 100:
      Our Yankee, who'd commenced the fight, and rather to be donnish meant, "Bumsquabbled" felt (as well he might), with genuine astonishment, And when, by aid of jury masts, he reached his native city, If he didn't look "tarnation streaked" and foolish "it's a pity."
    • 1975, Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records - Volumes 36-40, page 58:
      For lack of Bignall, an honest Irish yeoman was picked out of the crowd, and though he was, in the Doctor's words 'as my friend Sam Slick hath it a little bum-squabbled at the totally unexpected honour, he got through the formality of proposing Captain Strachan creditably.
    • 1991, Helen Argers, A Scandalous Lady, page 43:
      But I'll be bum squabbled if I don't get my pretty chits respectably leg-shackled before this coming season is half over!
    • 2015, Elizabeth Mansfield, My Lord Murderer:
      I fot a right to the street, same's you, you bum-squabbled bag-pudding!



bum squabbled

  1. simple past and past participle of bum squabble