



From Italian caffè macchiato.



caffè macchiato (countable and uncountable, plural caffè macchiatos)

  1. Synonym of macchiato
    • 2009, Anne Finger, Call Me Ahab: A Short Story Collection, University of Nebraska Press, page 31:
      He ascends to the above and fetches double lattes, caffè macchiatos, triple mochas for the Programmer, coming back trembling at what he has seen: []
    • 2010, Frederic Tuten, Self Portraits: Fictions, New York, N.Y., London: W. W. Norton & Company, page 85:
      I loved you before you were born, have waited for you to be born, went to that café today waiting for you to sit there and order three caffè macchiatos—with just the thinnest streak of coffee—and to see me and to recognize in me, beyond the mask of my years, the man you have been expecting even before you came into this world.
    • 2017, Rosa Temple, Playing Her Cards Right, HarperCollinsPublishers, →ISBN:
      Riley was carrying two cups of caffè macchiato.
    • 2021, Peter Scott-Morgan, Peter 2.0, Penguin Books, published 2022:
      [] I’ve had an idea! Let me explain …’ ‘Not before I’ve had some coffee!’ Francis hauled himself out of bed. Ten minutes later he crawled up the stairs again with two perfect caffè macchiatos. Only when he’d emptied his cup did he allow the conversation to proceed.





caffè macchiato m (plural caffè macchiati)

  1. a normal espresso coffee with a very small amount of steamed milk