
Frozen chicken paws





chicken paw (plural chicken paws)

  1. The foot of a chicken, cut off at the ankle, and used for food.
    • 2002, Neosho Christian Schools, Newton County Highlights, →ISBN, page 58:
      While most people in the United States prefer the meatier parts of the chicken, people in many foreign nations consider the chicken paw to be a delicacy.
    • 2011, Frank Flanders, Exploring Animal Science, →ISBN, page 611:
      Chicken feet or chicken paws have a high fat content without much meat. Meanwhile, U.S. chicken farmers are cashing in by exporting chicken feet to China. Once a worthless by-product, chicken paws or feet have become a major U.S. export (see Figure 26-3).
    • 2014, Mayumi Yamada-Shimotai, A Japanese Vagabond: Bicycling 35,000 km Around Four Continents 1986-1989, →ISBN:
      Inside the soup were a few pieces of carrot, potato, some macaroni, and one chicken paw with three nails on the top of it.
    • 2017, Cat Who Cooks, Gourmet Food Supplier:
      Looking at the glistening brown chicken feet, Boss Guan at first was worried about the grease but when he thought of the previous Jin'ling Grass dish, he started to pick up one chicken paw and eat without hesitation.