



circulary (comparative more circulary, superlative most circulary)

  1. (obsolete) circular (in various senses)
    • 1597, Richard Hooker, Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity[1], book 5:
      Which rule must serve for the better understanding of that which Damascene hath touching cross and circulary speeches, wherein there are attributed to God such things as belong to manhood, and to man such as properly concern the deity of Christ Jesus, the cause whereof is the association of nature in one subject.
    • 1788, John Bell, An Essay on Somnambulism, or Sleep-Walking, produced by animal electricity and magnetism. As well as by sympathy, &c[2]:
      As to the faculty the Magnetifers pretend to be endowed with, to direct the Somnambule's motions, by making him go from the right to the left, forwards and backwards, in a direct and circulary line, after the manner of a loadstone []
    • 1895, Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts[3], volume 14, part 10:
      Copy of a circulary letter sent through the Southern Colonies direct to different people.