
  • del.icio.us: a social bookmarking service.
    • .us denotes the United States.
  • who.is: a whois service.
    • .is denotes Iceland.



domain hack (plural domain hacks)

  1. (Internet, informal) An Internet domain name in which the top-level domain (such as a country code) can be understood as part of the name rather than the usual suffix.
    • 2008, Chris Brophy, Manufacturing, Distribution and Promotion in the Music Industry:
      It is however, possible to create a domain hack. This is where parts of the domain spell out a particular word []
    • 2006, "Dave 2.0", http://en.gli.sh/ - web 2.0 en.gli.sh community (discussion on alt.usage.english newsgroup)
      I love those domain hacks, I own http://www.web2.0button.com and I recently got an email asking how I registered a domain name with a dot in it (HEHE).