




  1. simple past and past participle of enmind



enminded (comparative more enminded, superlative most enminded)

  1. Sentient; capable of conscious thought.
    • 1960, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, page 187:
      In this the broad question is one of evidence; and, since a problem of evidence is a problem of testing, the chief question is, " How can I test the conjecture that human bodies are enminded and that enminded bodies have feelings, or (in the form in which I will discuss it) carry out actions?
    • 2012, P. Crittenden, Reason, Will and Emotion, →ISBN:
      The post-Kantian German idealists, in summary, proposed an account in which an intelligible epistemic and practical relation to the world was supported 'by a more basic layer of our embodied and enminded being in the world' (1999,158).
    • 2018, Adriana García-Andrade, Lena Gunnarsson, Anna G. Jónasdóttir, Feminism and the Power of Love: Interdisciplinary Interventions, →ISBN:
      Here, it is important to take a look at this connection given that it understands love not only as something exclusively ideational, but also as the constant body-and-mind feedback that occurs in the enminded bodies.