




  1. simple past and past participle of facsimile
    • 1894, John Ruskin v, Prosperina, Ariadne Florentina, page 319:
      But I was resolved to have them, somehow ; and actually facsimilied a considerable portion of the drawing in the Florentine manner, with the finest point I could cut to my pencil, taking a quarter of an hour to forge out the likeness of one return in the zigzag which my master carried down through twenty returns in two seconds; and so successfully, that he did not detect my artifice till I showed it him, -- on which he forbade me ever to do the like again.
    • 2015, Helena Michie, Love Among the Archives, →ISBN, page 220:
      Has it been facsimilied? The writing in the picture appears readable, but on applying a glass, only a very few words reveal themselves.
    • 2016, Émile Gaboriau, Caught in the Net, →ISBN:
      Nowadays, handwritings are easily facsimilied, when even bankers find it hard to distinguish between their own notes and counterfeit ones.

