Old Norse
editfalla (“fall”) + haddr (“hair”)
edit Strong declension of fallhaddr
singular | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddr | fallhǫdd | fallhatt |
accusative | fallhaddan | fallhadda | fallhatt |
dative | fallhǫddum | fallhaddri | fallhǫddu |
genitive | fallhadds | fallhaddrar | fallhadds |
plural | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddir | fallhaddar | fallhǫdd |
accusative | fallhadda | fallhaddar | fallhǫdd |
dative | fallhǫddum | fallhǫddum | fallhǫddum |
genitive | fallhaddra | fallhaddra | fallhaddra |
Weak declension of fallhaddr
singular | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddi | fallhadda | fallhadda |
accusative | fallhadda | fallhǫddu | fallhadda |
dative | fallhadda | fallhǫddu | fallhadda |
genitive | fallhadda | fallhǫddu | fallhadda |
plural | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhǫddu | fallhǫddu | fallhǫddu |
accusative | fallhǫddu | fallhǫddu | fallhǫddu |
dative | fallhǫddum | fallhǫddum | fallhǫddum |
genitive | fallhǫddu | fallhǫddu | fallhǫddu |
Declension of comparative of fallhaddr
singular | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddari | fallhaddari | fallhaddara |
accusative | fallhaddara | fallhaddari | fallhaddara |
dative | fallhaddara | fallhaddari | fallhaddara |
genitive | fallhaddara | fallhaddari | fallhaddara |
plural | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddari | fallhaddari | fallhaddari |
accusative | fallhaddari | fallhaddari | fallhaddari |
dative | fallhǫddurum | fallhǫddurum | fallhǫddurum |
genitive | fallhaddari | fallhaddari | fallhaddari |
Strong declension of superlative of fallhaddr
singular | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddastr | fallhǫddust | fallhaddast |
accusative | fallhaddastan | fallhaddasta | fallhaddast |
dative | fallhǫddustum | fallhaddastri | fallhǫddustu |
genitive | fallhaddasts | fallhaddastrar | fallhaddasts |
plural | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddastir | fallhaddastar | fallhǫddust |
accusative | fallhaddasta | fallhaddastar | fallhǫddust |
dative | fallhǫddustum | fallhǫddustum | fallhǫddustum |
genitive | fallhaddastra | fallhaddastra | fallhaddastra |
Weak declension of superlative of fallhaddr
singular | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhaddasti | fallhaddasta | fallhaddasta |
accusative | fallhaddasta | fallhǫddustu | fallhaddasta |
dative | fallhaddasta | fallhǫddustu | fallhaddasta |
genitive | fallhaddasta | fallhǫddustu | fallhaddasta |
plural | masculine | feminine | neuter |
nominative | fallhǫddustu | fallhǫddustu | fallhǫddustu |
accusative | fallhǫddustu | fallhǫddustu | fallhǫddustu |
dative | fallhǫddustum | fallhǫddustum | fallhǫddustum |
genitive | fallhǫddustu | fallhǫddustu | fallhǫddustu |