



Blend of faux +‎ Bohemian.



fauxhemian (plural fauxhemians)

  1. Someone who adopts some aspects of a Bohemian lifestyle while staying within social conventions.
    • 2006, Kevin Shay, The End As I Know It, Doubleday, →ISBN, page 140:
      A far cry from the tie-dyed life I pictured for him, squeezing out the last drops of the long-depleted Woodstock spirit with a bunch of fauxhemians a third his age who want to touch the hem of his garment (or, more likely, smoke him out) because he used to hang with Dylan.
    • 2007, Heather Byer, Sweet: An Eight-ball Odyssey, Riverhead Books, →ISBN, page 2:
      The bar where we're playing — a dank little hole in Manhattan's East Village that attracts a following every three years or so when some young fauxhemian "discovers" the place and writes about it for Time Out New York or The Village Voice, usually under a catchy headline like "Dives We Love" — is quiet, almost empty if you don't count the regulars.
    • 2013, John Strausbaugh, The Village: 400 Years of Beats and Bohemians, Radicals and Rogues, a History of Greenwich Village[1], Ecco, →ISBN:
      By then many of the artists and writers who had generated all this interest had fled the Village and North Beach, abandoning them to the tourists and fauxhemians.