Northern Sami edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Samic *vuoδōjē.

Pronunciation edit

  • (Kautokeino) IPA(key): /ˈfuo̯ððuː/

Noun edit


  1. game (huntable animal)

Inflection edit

Even u-stem, đđ-đ gradation
Nominative fuođđu
Genitive fuođu
Singular Plural
Nominative fuođđu fuođut
Accusative fuođu fuođūid
Genitive fuođu
Illative fūđđui fuođūide
Locative fuođus fuođūin
Comitative fuođūin fuođūiguin
Essive fuođđun
Possessive forms
Singular Dual Plural
1st person fūđđon fūđđome fūđđomet
2nd person fūđđot fūđđode fūđđodet
3rd person fuođđus fuođđuska fuođđuset

Further reading edit

  • Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008), Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages[1], Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland