

Alternative forms




Blend of gay +‎ neighborhood.





gayborhood (plural gayborhoods)

  1. A part of a city that is largely populated by gay people.
    • 2005, Chris Carlsson, The Political Edge:
      We held the Gay Shame Awards in Harvey Milk Plaza, at the center of the white-washed gayborhood of the Castro, and bestowed awards in eight categories []
    • 2005, Gina Gatta, Damron City Guide:
      Each full-color city map features the latest updates on roads, public transit, airports, tourist sights and the city's most happening gayborhood.
    • 2007, Richard LaBonte, Where the Boys Are: Urban Gay Erotica:
      [] who learned a lot from their time in the city — but who have decided in the end that they "fit in" better away from the gayborhood.
    • 2007, George E Haggerty, Molly McGarry, A Companion to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies:
      [] a queer youth homeless shelter in San Francisco's gayborhood, the Castro []
    • 2009, Jeff Campbell, Adam Karlin, Virginia Otis, New York, Washington DC and the Mid-Atlantic Trips:
      From the Warhol museum, walk north through the quaint, red-brick Mexican War Streets (Pittsburgh's gayborhood) and head for the Q Mattress Factory []
    • 2022 July 3, Adam Nagourney, quoting Cleve Jones, “Once a Crucial Refuge, ‘Gayborhoods’ Lose L.G.B.T.Q. Residents in Major Cities”, in The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
      Gayborhoods are going away,” Mr. Jones said. “People need to pay attention to this. When people are dispersed, when they no longer live in geographic concentrations, when they no longer inhabit specific precincts, we lose a lot. []



Further reading
