




  1. to give
    • 1932, Arie de Jong, Leerboek der Wereldtaal, page 15:
      Ob it egivob ciles et magodis ot.
      I have given those children the same pictures myself.
    • 1952, Arie de Jong, Diatek nulik: Gospul ma ‚Matthaeus’. Kapit: VII:
      No givolsöd saludikosi doges, e no jedolsöd pärlatis olsik foi svins! dat bo no dästepons onis me lögs oksik, e flekons okis, e dasleitons olis.
      Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls in front of pigs, or they may trample them and then turn on you and tear you to pieces.