

Alternative forms




group leader (plural group leaders)

  1. A person who assigns tasks at a workplace or joint activity and thus maintains the impression of placing themself above other people hierarchically.
    • 1975, Hans Gsänger, How to Make Co-operative Marketing Viable. The Case of Sweet Orange Marketing in Thailand (Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Internationale Agrarentwicklung der Technischen Universität Berlin; 4), page 1:
      The team was composed of the following people: […] 2. Mr. H. Gsänger, marketing economist (groupleader)
    • 1983, Labor Cases, volume 98, Commerce Clearing House, page 18-600b:
      Merely checking a file to ascertain whether the groupleader had issued a prior oral warning cannot possibly be characterized as an “independent invention” of the complaint.
    • 2006, Mark S. Richman, The Ultimate Camp Counselor Manual. (How to Survive and Succeed Magnificently at Summer Camp), 2nd edition, New York · Lincoln · Shanghai: iUniverse, →ISBN, page 48:
      Campers might be required, for example, to get checked out by their groupleader or head counselor before proceeding to receive medical attention.