haltlose personality disorder





From haltlose (floundering, aimless, irresponsible lifestyle) + personality disorder.



haltlose personality disorder (uncountable)

  1. (psychiatry) A ICD-10 personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of selfish, irresponsible and hedonistic behavior.
    • 2000 June, Claus Langmaack, “Haltlose type personality disorder (ICD-10 F60. 8)”, in Psychiatric Bulletin, volume 24, number 6:
      People with chronic alcohol dependency have been said, not uncommonly, to have haltlose personality disorder. Those with haltlose personality disorder have features of frontal lobe syndrome, sociopathic and histrionic personality traits.
    • 2017 October, João Gama Marques, “Pharmacogenetic testing for the guidance of psychiatric treatment of a schizoaffective patient with haltlose personality disorder.”, in CNS Spectrums:
      Nevertheless, the most disturbing aspect of this patient's life was his complete selfish, hedonistic, irresponsible, drifting, and aimless lifestyle, along with a complete lack of hold on life or on his self. His life history led us to study the fascinating concept of Bleuler's haltlose personality disorder, which came naturally as a comorbid diagnosis, based on some of the features now explained (Table 1).
    • 2018, Glenda Wrenn, Mental health assessment method and kiosk-based system for implementation (Patent application US20180103885A1):
      Non-limiting examples of adult personality and behavior disorders that affect the central nervous system include: a specific personality disorder (e.g., paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, a dissocial personality disorder—such as antisocial personality disorder—an emotionally unstable personality disorder—such as borderline personality disorder—histrionic personality disorder, an anankastic personality disorder—such as obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, anxious (avoidant) personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, eccentric personality disorder, haltlose personality disorder, immature personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, passive-aggressive personality disorder, or psychoneurotic personality disorder); mixed personality disorder; a habit or impulse disorder (e.g., pathological gambling, pathological fire-setting (pyromania), pathological stealing (kleptomania), or trichotillomania); and Munchausen syndrome.

Usage notes

  • This personality disorder are not recognized by the DSM-5
  • The term is rarely used outside of German-speaking countries, considered outdated or historical in most other countries

